Excelsior De-fit
5 27 September 2021, 23:31

Without photo captions it's difficult to understand what you're doing. Did you recast the primary hull in translucent resin for lighting? Trying to figure out what's going on in photos 1 and 3.
28 September 2021, 04:47

The yellow stuff is an RTV rubber. I'm making a surface mold of the "plain" parts of the saucer and edge, so I can cast copies and fill in the missing sectors left when the Ent-B's second set of impulse engine are removed.
28 September 2021, 15:32

Ah, so you're converting the 1:2500 B into an Excelsior. Got it - cool idea. Secondary hull should be fun.
28 September 2021, 16:47
Album info
Album for project:
U.S.S. Excelsior NCC-2000 (1:2500)
Customized from AMT Enterprise-B kit.