Irish 2-seat Vampire
23 April 2018, 19:22
Small update - sprayed the alu paint last week, now the first layer of the orange paint is drying
12 May 2018, 20:48
Orange on. Sorry for poor photo quality lately, but I'm learning my new camera...
18 May 2018, 16:39
Your paint looks a bit grainy. Perhaps lowering the pressure or thinning a bit more can solve this? For the rest she's marvellous
18 May 2018, 18:15
Thanks guys. Unfortunately you're right Martin. I hope it won't be so visible under the satin topcoat. The decals are currently drying as we speak. Two small roundels disintegrated and I had to borrow two from Fouga set.
18 May 2018, 21:05
Nice looking so far, Luckaz! What did you use for the day-glo orange? Looks great!
19 May 2018, 14:17
Thanks gentlemen!
@Martin - I have to buy finally some alu paint from Hataka or Gunze C, I know
@Roy - thanks, but currently I'm not planning to build the Irish Fouga, so it's not really necessary (in case, one of the latest Airfix boxings has much better decals I presume)
@Gordon - it's thinned Revell Aqua Color Orange number 36130, sprayed in few layers (the last 4th was the thickest as it way too transparent) - it works perfectly with Wamod's retarder
19 May 2018, 17:43
The Revell 99 works fine. You just need to thin the crap out of it and spray a lot of layers, really, a LOT of layers. Keep practicing Lukasz, every build is better than the one before. I know you can do it 👍
19 May 2018, 20:54
Finished, my quickest project so far 🙂 I promise I'll work on spraying Revell 99, I think I didn't dillute it enough.
21 May 2018, 17:47
Thanks, I wanted to keep it clean - in the pics I found they seem to be kept quite clean all the time
21 May 2018, 18:39
Thanks Ekki, not sure if it's nicer then yours 🙂
Just spotted the yellowing alu color on some pics - looks like my new camera decided to add it as it's not visible on the kit itself...
22 May 2018, 06:22
Vampires are awesome and this one turned out especially nice! Good job!
22 May 2018, 08:15