Testors C-47Widoczność: Pokaz slajdów Mozaika Lista 1August 24, 2016kit as it came to me 2August 24, 2016working on landing gear 3August 24, 2016wheels on 4September 9, 2016finally standing on her feet 5September 9, 2016left side and top decals 6September 9, 2016right side 7September 9, 2016added landing light lenses 8October 1, 2016added props and windscreen 9October 9, 2016left side final view 10October 9, 2016right side 11October 9, 2016top 12October 9, 2016bottom 13October 9, 2016on shelf Komentarzy24 August 2016, 03:34Lee FogelKeep up the good work on this one Eddie! 9 September 2016, 04:01Album infoObtained from another modelerC-4713 zdjęć/zdjęcia1:72Gotowe Douglas C-47-DL Skytrain US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)6 TCS, 347 TCG 41-138678Port Moresby OD, Neutral grey Wszystkie albumyWyświetl wszystkie albumy »