1/700 Aoshima Kasuga Maru
June 23, 2013the box that arrived today2
June 23, 2013what I started with3
June 23, 2013added the superstructure4
June 23, 2013side view5
July 15, 2013port side hull seam puttied6
July 16, 2013right side puttied7
July 30, 2013tape off and seam work8
July 30, 20139
August 2, 2013forward mast installed10
August 10, 2013hull side sprayed with Testors rattle can flat white11
August 15, 2013starboard side hull painted white12
August 18, 2013aft main mast added13
September 28, 201314
October 3, 2013port lower hull painted flat black15
October 11, 2013starboard hull side and funnel painted flat black16
October 14, 2013bow painted black17
October 17, 201318
October 22, 201319
December 27, 201320
January 1, 2014fresh coat of Tamiya deck tan on all horizontal surfaces21
April 9, 201422
April 14, 2014crane booms almost done23
April 18, 201424
April 20, 201425
May 5, 2014boats and most deck fittings on26
May 18, 2014first decals27
May 21, 2014port side decals28
June 13, 2014final shots on shelf29
June 13, 2014
23 June 2013, 02:22