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Robert Podkoński (podkon)

When I grow up I'll be a Concorde!


52 14 January, 17:24
Jan Peters
Another oddball machine from the Podkoński stables (or should that be hangars?)
Following this 👀
1  14 January, 17:30
Robert Podkoński Autor
Welcome, Jan! (Since my family name can be translated into English, more-or-less 😉, as "Under-horse-ski", then "stables" seem to be perfectly adequate word here 😄 😄 😄 )
 14 January, 17:35
Jan Peters
Lol, stables it is then 😀
1  14 January, 17:40
Thomas Kolb
What a weird aircraft! A lovely project for sure. But how did you make those airbrakes?
 14 January, 17:57
Robert Podkoński Autor
Welcome, Thomas! I took the photo-etched net (1,5 x 1,5 mm) filled certain squares with CA glue and then cut out the unnecessary pieces... quite a nerve-shaking job it was, frankly speaking...
 14 January, 18:02
Jan Peters
The airbrakes look great 👍🏻
 14 January, 18:07
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thank you, Jan. This is the effect of the third attempt - first I tried to make them from thin PE board (failed), and then I tried Kristal Klear glue (not too bad, but it was difficult to control quantity of glue...). Too much CA can be simply sanded away when set hard.
1  14 January, 18:31
Another unusual beast 👍
1  14 January, 18:37
Robert Podkoński Autor
Feel welcomed, Bughunter 🙂
 14 January, 18:38
Oh! Another project that's right up my street. 🙂
The airbrakes look excellent!
 14 January, 18:51
Robert Podkoński Autor
Welcome, Gorby! You're too kind...
1  14 January, 19:07
Alex K
Joining the crowd... great work on the airbrakes...
 15 January, 02:40
Ben M
 15 January, 02:57
Robert Podkoński Autor
Feel warmly welcomed, Mates! It is great to have you all aboard 🙂
 15 January, 07:16
Łukasz Gliński
Joining, lovely project banner you've got here 😄
 22 January, 11:15
Lorraine Lin
2  22 January, 11:48
Robert Podkoński Autor
Welcome, Lorraine! Welcome, Łukasz! 😉
 22 January, 14:23
 22 January, 18:48
Robert Podkoński Autor
Cheers, Nicholas!
 22 January, 21:17
Looks great with the decals on!
 28 January, 16:45
Jan Peters
Very nice indeed 👍🏻
 28 January, 17:25
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thanks, my friends. (I had to repair the 'fin-flashes' since the original decals are very brittle. I hope it is not noticeable... 😉 )
 28 January, 17:52
Excellent stuff!
 28 January, 18:08
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thanks, JJ 🙂 I can see the finish line on the horizon, now 😉
 28 January, 18:19
John Hughes
Jet-propelled paper dart just about sums this one up nicely!
 28 January, 20:28
Thomas Espe
 28 January, 21:06
Łukasz Gliński
I see you couldn't decide between cockades and crosses 😉
 28 January, 21:13
Robert Podkoński Autor
LOL 😄 Welcome, Thomas!
 29 January, 08:09
Jan Peters
Looking good Robert.
I like the look of those bright post-war cockades
 29 January, 11:26
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thanks, Jan 🙂
 29 January, 12:39
Robert Podkoński Autor
I like them too. but I think blue is too bright, nevertheless... 😉
 29 January, 14:44
Ben M
Zoooooom! Looks great, Robert and up to your usual "unusual subject " standards 😀
1  30 January, 18:29
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thanks, Ben! You're too kind. I will upload more photos when there will be a sunny day.
 30 January, 18:39
Robert Podkoński Autor
1  31 January, 08:33
Excellent result Robert!
Right! What oddity is up next? 🙂
1  31 January, 08:35
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thanks, Gorby!
I'll have to rumble through my stash 😉
1  31 January, 08:43
Pictures 11 to 16 look great.
2  31 January, 10:06
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thank you, Neuling! I feel honoured 🙂
 31 January, 10:07
Great Result Robert. 👍
1  31 January, 19:19
Alec K
Very well done Robert, and what a cool subject 👍
1  31 January, 20:09
Łukasz Gliński
Very neatjob 👍 Props for the brakes, I think it was worth it 👍
Time for the Concorde now? 😉
1  31 January, 20:11
Jan Peters
Excellent finish, another great one in the display cabinet.
1  31 January, 20:23
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thank you all, my friends 🙂 You're too kind... @Łukasz - I have already decided on the next project, and it is not the Concorde. I think Gorby won't be dissapointed 😉
 31 January, 21:04
Rui S
Strange plane well done 👍
1  31 January, 21:06
Very intersting! always nice to see some strange subjects. Also great result.
1  31 January, 21:13
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thank you, Rui. Thank you, Vincent. Much appreciated!
 1 February, 08:22
Great build & pictures! You nailed this one👍🏻
1  1 February, 13:49
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thank you very much, JJ! 🙂
 1 February, 14:43
Agree with everyone - ❤️❤️❤️
… and hilarious title!
1  1 February, 15:05
Alex K
Another cute little gem for Robert's extensive collection... Chapeau... 👍 👍
1  1 February, 15:46
Robert Podkoński Autor
I am happy you like it, My Friends 🙂
 1 February, 16:05

Project info

17 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 Handley-Page HP.115 (Anigrand Craftswork AA-2087)
Handley Page HP.115
GB Royal Aircraft Establishment (1904-1988)

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