papirmodelleringsdatabase | samlingsverktøy
Jean-François Lacoste (32Dundee)

Bf 109 F4-Trop


10 2 January 2021, 20:17
Very nice job for this old kit. Congrats!
 4 April 2021, 18:35
Guy Rump
Great job, I have always liked desert camo 🙂
 4 April 2021, 19:25
Jean-François Lacoste
Thank you guys!
 5 April 2021, 09:46
very nice new live for this 109. beautiful job
 3 December 2021, 18:43
Alex Rodionov
Very nice for so old kit.
 3 December 2021, 18:51
Jean-François Lacoste
Thanks a lot guys!
 4 December 2021, 10:08
Moreno Baruffini
I have the same kit in my stash, great job! 👍🏻
 4 December 2021, 10:14
Jean-François Lacoste
Don't wait 20 years as I did from the moment I started it and the moment I finished it ... lol
 4 December 2021, 10:36
Moreno Baruffini
Ahahah great!!!!!
 4 December 2021, 11:51
Those 20 years were worth it 😉
 4 December 2021, 18:54
Jean-François Lacoste
I can say so as I have better skills now
 8 December 2021, 23:05

Album info

Some details of modification done on this Heller kit. I'm quite happy of the result

26 bilder
1:72 Messerschmitt Bf 109F (Heller 80232)

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