Melsbroek B.58 diorama
September 9, 2020hangar picture with Typhoon, probably October 19442
September 9, 2020same hangar, view from other side3
September 9, 2020hangar picture with Mitchell, probably November 19444
September 9, 2020color !5
September 13, 2020checking the depth with the Mitchell. I shortened the hangar with one span to fit my baseplate6
September 13, 2020Loosening the roof structure is quite easy7
September 13, 2020first dry fit looks ok8
September 15, 2020roof structure ready9
September 15, 2020backwall started10
September 17, 2020starting the fake house at the right with MAQUETT PVC FOAM sheet11
September 17, 2020Hangar structure primed. The fake houses that the Germans painted on the hangar are actually twice as high as normal houses would be, so that the whole looks smaller than it is.12
September 21, 2020roof and sidewalls added, baseplate started13
September 27, 202014
September 27, 2020front view. RAUCHEN VERBOTEN is selfmade decal15
September 27, 2020left fake house started16
September 27, 2020right fake house, no views available, so it is according to my imagination17
October 3, 202018
October 3, 2020RAUCHEN VERBOTEN !19
October 5, 2020Fake front testing20
October 10, 2020a picture found in a book of what could be the backside of the building21
October 10, 2020the left side transformed in a pen drawing and printed on transparent decal paper22
October 10, 2020same process for the right side23
October 10, 20206 sheets of plastic cut to represent the sliding doors. The decal is first applied to these a a pattern for the colours: white, dark green, brick and plaster24
October 10, 2020Then the second decal is placed on the coloured door to get the drawing back. A grey painted ribbed plastic sheet is used to represent the corrugated siding25
October 10, 2020But the fake wall needs some supporting structure on the roof26
October 12, 2020adding fake roofs27
October 12, 2020roof construction extended28
October 29, 2020left side house under construction29
October 29, 2020right side house under construction30
October 29, 2020Left house side, no pictures available, so free imagination damaged wall31
October 29, 2020front view, door assembly preview32
October 29, 2020roof build-up preview33
October 29, 2020Airfix B-25 Mitchell started34
November 23, 2020B-25 Mitchell started, nice kit.35
October 29, 2020interior before closing the fuselage36
November 23, 2020behind the doors37
November 23, 2020View from the front38
November 30, 2020some "equipment" for inside the hangar :39
December 14, 2020backside of the hangar is complete40
January 31, 2023some vehicles to be placed in the diorama41
January 31, 2023Airfix Fuel truck42
January 31, 2023Water truck of my imagination, Airfix kit modified43
January 31, 2023Standard Tilly with Officer and WAAF44
January 31, 2023Tractor in the hangar45
January 31, 2023Crew with photographer46
January 31, 2023Potographer with crew47
February 1, 2023Airfix kit, Eagle Cal decals48
February 1, 202349
February 1, 202350
February 1, 202351
February 1, 2023Just a small white line on the Z52
February 1, 202353
February 6, 2023left interior54
February 6, 2023background inside55
February 6, 2023right interior56
February 6, 2023crew in front of the plane ready for a photo
31 March 2025, 22:20 -
Album info
RAF Mitchell in German camouflaged hangar late 1944 on Melsbroek airfield . The hangar was extensively camouflaged as a row of buidlings by the Germans. The hangar was used in autumn 1944 by the RAF, first for Typhoons and afterwards for B-25 Mitchells of 320 Dutch Sqn