Me 209V4
2 31 December 2019, 09:44
....and here is the second Me 209, ready for it´s RLM 02 surface color!
4 January 2020, 20:30
Two new pics of this nearly finished V4 in its fictitious propaganda markings
9 January 2020, 20:13
At last finished! These Special Hobby kits are two really fair offers to focus on the beautiful goal of presenting this record baby in 1/72nd scale!
Some extra work has been gained in the thin sanding of the wheel fairings, also the pulling of brake cables was a detailing step. But I am especially proud of the more or less flush sanding of the cockpit fairing!
I hope you like the pictures of these two V-planes!
11 January 2020, 15:12
Thank you mates! The Me 209 has been designed as record braking racers to win the world speed record- in which it succeeded. Despite being considered as a new Luftwaffen- fighter, the installation of military equipment slowed the Me 209 down to the level of the Bf 109, so these plans were finally abandoned. For propaganda purposes the V4 received a fictitious squadron identification - including a snake! - to give the impression that the Me 209 actually was the new fighter.
So no military use, but a world record held until 1989!
12 January 2020, 06:25
Gladly! Often the stories in which the aircraft are embedded are no less fascinating than their appearance
12 January 2020, 08:30
Beautiful twins Roland ! Super NMF, and the "propaganda - bogus"version looks great as well !
( Und im Unterschied zu mir hast Du die Bremszylinder auch an der richtigen Stelle angebracht ! 🙂 )
12 January 2020, 20:20
Thank you Hanno! Das mit den Bremszylindern war mir nicht bewusst 🙂
But your 209´s legs are really nice and slim, I couldn't do that!
Dafür hat die Deine echt schön schlanke Beine, das habe ich nicht so gut hinbekommen.
13 January 2020, 09:44