32 17 December 2016, 17:24
First steps of this quite "big" project have been taken.
Looking at this cockpit and the arrangement of the crew, Captain Kirk, Zulu, Chekov and Spock are likely to walk in..... 🙂
17 December 2016, 17:30
This one looks very interesting. The cockpit looks amazingly good Roland.
17 December 2016, 17:30
Very nice start Roland! 👍 this is realy a very "big" project- how many bottles of paint will it take ?
18 December 2016, 08:44
I´ll follow with interest! I just like these Flying Wings especially this one!
18 December 2016, 08:45
Thank you all guys, next pictures of the readily assembled "Flying Wing" will be added soon.
Indeed, Stephen, I have backed up my Alclad-reserve....
18 December 2016, 18:24
Na, das ist doch mal ein echt aussergewöhnlicher Hingucker ! Bin dabei !
18 December 2016, 19:00
This will be a nice one, the "bridge" looks great so far, eager to see more of it!
18 December 2016, 19:06
Also das Cockpit sieht dem der Enterprise wirklich verdammt ähnlich. Ob sich die Filmemacher da was von der XB-35 abgeschaut haben? Oder umgekehrt? Was war früher?
Wozu diente der Sitz in der Mitte? War der für den Kommandanten?
Fragen über Fragen - egal, ich bin dabei.
19 December 2016, 16:33
Thanks for your interest mates! The Flying Wing has taken its shape, next step will be seaming the glue lines.
Stefan, ich würde einmal vermuten, dass sogar die XB-35 mit dieser "Brücke" der Enterprise-Designern voraus gegangen ist. Kommt vielleicht auch alles aus einem gemeinsamen Empfinden der Zeit. Der Sitz in der Mitte hat ein Bordschütze mit seinem Periskop-Visier besetzt.
19 December 2016, 19:48
Sehr cooles und ungewöhnliches Projekt, da bin ich dabei! Magst Du mir sagen, womit Du die Zellenhälften verklebt hast? Tamiya Thin oder MEK? Sieht schön "verschweißt" aus!
20 December 2016, 17:18
Again, thank you very much for your kind comments!
Holger, verklebt wurde mit Tamiyas nach Zitrus "duftendem" Klebstoff, danach wurde die Verbindung mit Tamiya "Thin" nachgebessert- der fließt ja wunderbar in jede Lücke....
22 December 2016, 11:43
Thank you mates!
Little progress here: the right half of the "fuselage" is filled and sanded -and all the clear parts of been masked, some of them are glued in place.
Not long and I will be able and put first layer of Alclad on the surfaces.....!
29 December 2016, 11:38
Very special, but impressive plane you got there. It's quite big? Succes with the Alclad !
29 December 2016, 11:49
Thank you Lex! Indeed, that beat is quite space consuming 🙂
On the first picture you can see the black priming for the Alclad- by now everything is covered with "White Aluminum". Several shades of metallic shades will follow, but not before I have repaired some now visible imperfections!
5 January 2017, 11:16
Excellent work! Cockpit looks great! Looking forward to the rest.
5 January 2017, 15:12
Always wanted one of these, or its jetpowered sister... one day. Nice work on this one!
5 January 2017, 21:15
Thank you both mates!
I have masked "The Wing" for applying some shades of Aluminum- that will be repeated two or three times. Alclad let shine every flaw and imperfection in a very undeniable way: I had to do some repair-work....
7 January 2017, 16:24
Be careful when removing the masks. I tore off my Alclad even though I had primed with Alclad glossblack primer.
On a different note, your bird is looking fine.
9 January 2017, 17:36
Thank you mates! Indeed, Alclad is somewhat difficult to handle- but I had experienced the best results with a base coat of gloss black of Gunzes Acrylic colors.
You can see "The Wing" with multi-shaded panels- some masking had to be done! 🙂- and the decals applied. After laying another coat of clear gloss on the decals, the surfaces will be finished.
14 January 2017, 12:36
Phantastic work...as usual! 😉 Honestly i haven't seen a single mediocre build from you. Always inspiring!
14 January 2017, 14:43
Respect for this excellent quality and finish in such a LARGE model!! Do you have a new huge show case?
14 January 2017, 17:51
Thank you both! Your words really are inspiration and motivation for me!
Indeed Bernhard, one of the hugest model I have build till now. My models are stored in self fabricated Styrofoam-boxes. There they have a nice dust-free, kid- and cat-proof place... and the (large) size doesn´t matter 🙂
15 January 2017, 13:31
Some more picture of the details: I added break lines to the wheel struts, improvised a cable loom crossing the fairing of the main cockpit strut and have finished the props: that means masking 32 propeller blades and applying on each two "micro"-decals....😉
The end is near.... 🙂
21 January 2017, 12:32
Thank you Christian- I have just reached the point, where I am satisfied enough to say: the XB-35 is finished.
And, by the way, I have measured from wingtip to wingtip: about 723mm will have to be displayed! 🙂
21 January 2017, 15:24
Wow, that is huge! Würde nicht in meine Vitrine passen 😉 Gratuliere dir zur Fertigstellung, ein wunderschönes und selten zu sehendes Modell!
21 January 2017, 17:00
Danke Christian!
Finally..... finished! It´s nice that it looks as big on the photographs as it is.....
Hope you like it- I am happy I got that NMF- wonder into my showcase😉
22 January 2017, 16:03
Absolutely amazing end result Roland! Incredible model of an incredible aircraft!
22 January 2017, 16:24
One of the biggest nmf surfaces I've seen so far. Really exeptionally result Roland, a beautiful bird ! 👍
22 January 2017, 19:04
Roland: nicht nur groß sondern GROSSARTIG!! Hut ab und eine tiefe Verbeugung auch für hervorragende Fotos.
22 January 2017, 20:18
Your comments are overwhelming! Thank you mates- I feel boosted and motivated!
23 January 2017, 10:24
Da steht sie nun in ihrer ganzen Pracht. Freue mich schon, dieses Riesending mal live zu sehen.
24 January 2017, 18:23
Thank you both mates! Stefan, jederzeit- komm einfach einmal in meinen Modellbau-Kerker 🙂
25 January 2017, 08:03
Ein Meisterstück! Man kann sich gar nicht satt sehen. Und ausserdem selten zu sehen. Gratulation und alle Achtung vor dieser Leistung.
28 January 2017, 07:43
Fantastic build and finish, nice to see one of these wings completed. 🙂
23 April 2017, 01:14
very nice work! excellent NMF. One day I'll make mine, I hope it will look as good as yours! along with the xb-49 and xb-70 one of my favorite aircraft
23 April 2017, 21:03
I really appreciate your comments, thank you Jay and Cjristian!
24 April 2017, 08:48
Indeed, thank you for all these "likes" on this five year old wing, mates! 🙂
25 September 2022, 12:07
Thank you Clifford! and, again, thank you for the likes.... I am glad about your interest
27 September 2022, 10:15