Aircobra Trio
March 22, 2015Heller and Revell P-39's as I got them2
March 22, 2015MPC Profile Series kit3
March 22, 2015brushed Future on these two4
March 22, 2015started priming the MPC bird5
March 26, 2015Revell second top color6
March 26, 2015MPC Cobra top side sprayed7
March 27, 2015Heller Cobra with first decals8
March 27, 2015MPC Cobra bottom sprayed9
March 29, 2015Heller Cobra right side10
March 29, 2015Heller Cobra left side11
March 30, 201512
March 31, 2015wing walks and filler caps from Superscale sheet13
March 31, 2015MPC Cobra nose masked14
March 31, 2015Revell first decal15
March 31, 201516
April 5, 2015decal progress on all17
April 6, 2015MPC P-39Q marked as 42-19595, 362nd FS, 357th FW18
April 6, 2015Heller P-39Q marked for Ecole de Chasse Meknes, Armee de l'Air, 193519
April 6, 2015Revell P-400 67th FS, New Caledonia, 194220
April 7, 201521
April 7, 201522
April 7, 201523
April 10, 2015Revell P-400 decals done24
April 10, 2015Heller P-39Q decals done25
April 10, 2015MPC P-39Q clear flat26
April 10, 2015Heller P-39Q clear flat27
April 10, 2015Revell P-400 clear flat28
April 11, 2015Revell P-400 prop on29
April 11, 2015MPC P-39Q gear attached30
April 17, 201531
April 18, 2015Revell P-400 canopy on and done32
April 18, 2015Heller P-39Q prop on33
April 21, 201534
April 23, 2015Heller P-3935
June 4, 2015last one done
17 February 2025, 18:24 -