Kfir C.2 FAE, the built
August 14, 2013The cockpit parts... A LOT of work is needed look decent2
August 14, 2013The MB Mk.6 seat3
August 14, 2013Tub needed something more4
August 27, 2013Something that looks more like a MB Mk6!5
August 27, 2013the pieces of the cockpit, together6
August 27, 2013a more decent cockpit7
August 27, 20132 parts fuselage and 2 parts wings, makes us.. an airplane!8
August 27, 2013Plastic sheet was used to fill gaps. Gun nozzles were replaced.9
August 27, 2013Plastic sheet was used to fill many gaps, due to bad fitting10
August 27, 2013Giving life to the cockpit11
August 27, 2013Giving life to the cockpit. A piece o plastic was removed on the area behind the seat, to smooth it and add some electronics12
August 27, 2013Giving life to the cockpit. Plastic sheet to smooth and raise the back a bit13
August 27, 2013Giving life to the cockpit: copper wire and plastic added to simulate various electronics14
August 27, 2013Giving life to the cockpit: Again, copper wire and plastic helps a lot15
September 10, 2013Primed and preshaded16
September 10, 2013Belly and landing gear components were painted XF19+XF2 to 70-30 analogy, while, Shafrir's wheels and intake sprayed with pure XF217
September 10, 2013Camo ready. XF26 and H312+H66 in 70/30 analogy. After that light mist of H312 (80/20 to thinner) on the lighter green18
September 15, 2013A quick fix on the camo, before applying a coat of Future19
September 15, 2013Main gear wheels needed some detailing to look better.20
September 15, 2013Decals applied!21
October 18, 2013Master's Pitot Tube for Mirage III, is a great replacement22
October 18, 2013Kit's antenae were removed and new were scratched23
October 18, 2013Ecuadorian Kfirs have extra antenae24
October 18, 2013Kit's antenae were removed and new were scratched25
October 18, 2013Tools of filter, wash and weathering26
October 18, 2013Ready27
October 18, 201328
October 18, 201329
October 18, 201330
October 18, 201331
October 18, 201332
October 18, 201333
October 18, 201334
October 18, 201335
October 18, 201336
October 18, 201337
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October 18, 201339
October 18, 201340
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October 18, 201344
October 18, 2013Photoframe from IKEA + runway printout= simple but nice base
26 February 2025, 03:56 -