papirmodelleringsdatabase | samlingsverktøyPilatus Britten Norman BN-2B Islander
Maltese, US and civil markings
Omega Models | Nr. 72487 | 1:72
Eskens innhold
- 1x Resin (cast) (tan) Se
- 1x Resin (cast) (tan) Se
- 1x Resin (cast) (tan) Se
- 1x Resin (cast) (tan) Se
- 1x Resin (cast) (tan) Se
- 1x Resin (cast) (tan) Se
- 1x Resin (cast) (tan) Se
- 1x Resin (cast) (tan) Se
- 1x Vacuformed (clear) Se
- 1x Plastic sheet (clear) Se
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) (multi-colored) Se
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) (multi-colored) Se

Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander
Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2A-27 Islander
Gonini Air Service
Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2B-26 Islander
Forzi Armati ta' Malta (Armed Forces of Malta 1973-now)
- Fixed Wing Flight AS9516
Malta IAP
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