papirmodelleringsdatabase | samlingsverktøyU.S. Navy F7F Tigercat
Biggest "Cat" in the Navy
Monogram/Mattel | Nr. PA163 | 1:72
Eskens innhold
- Plastic sprue (blue) Se
- 1x Plastic sprue (clear) Se
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) (with 1 decal | multi-colored) Se
- 1x Instructions (Paper) (with 1 instructions (paper) | black & white) Se

Grumman F7F Tigercat
Grumman F7F-3 Tigercat
US Navy (1794-now)
- Pre-delivery test and ferry 80462/462
Juni 1945 - Long Island, NY
Gloss Sea Blue
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