papirmodelleringsdatabase | samlingsverktøyMiG-15
Eduard | Nr. 7057 | 1:72
Eskens innhold
- 1x Reference: A1-9 Plastic sprue 7055 A (with 9 parts | clear) Se
- 1x Reference: B1-14 Plastic sprue 7055 B MiG-15 (with 14 parts | dark gray) Se
- 1x Reference: C1-47 Plastic sprue 7055 C (with 57 parts | dark gray) Se
- 1x Reference: E1-14 Plastic sprue 7055 E (with 20 parts | dark gray) Se
- 1x Photoetched fret 7057-LEPT1 (multi-colored) Se
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) 7057-OBT1 (multi-colored) Se
- 1x Masking sheet 7057 mask (yellow) Se
- 1x Instructions (Paper) 7057-NAV1 (multi-colored) Se

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 Fagot
中国人民解放军空军 (People's Liberation Army Air Force 1949-now)
- 294 GIAP Red 72
1950 - Dachang AB, Shanghai
NMF FS11136
조선인민군 항공 및 반항공군 (Korean People's Army Air and Anti-Air Force 1946-now)
- 324 IAD Blue 823 (108023)
April 1951 Korean War - Auntung AB
Wojska Lotnicze (Polish Air Force 1947-1954)
- 1 Pułk Lotnictwa Myśliwskiego Warszawa Red 02
1951 Cold War - Babice AB, Warszawa
Forţele Aeriene ale Republicii Populare Române (Air Force of the People's Republic of Romania 1950-1965)
- Red 767 (231767)
1962 Cold War - Deveselu AB
Военно-воздушные силы СССР (Soviet Air Forces 1918-1992)
- 274 IAP Black 277 (120077) (Maj. Alexei A. Mikoyan)
1951 Cold War - Kubinka AB
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