papirmodelleringsdatabase | samlingsverktøyM28
Samolot patrolowy (Patrol plane)
Aeroplast | Nr. 90042 | 1:72
Eskens innhold
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Se
- 1x Plastic sprue (clear) Se
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Se
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Se
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) (multi-colored) Se
Antonov An-28
PZL M28 Skytruck
Straż Graniczna (Polish Border Guard 1990-now)
- Maritime Sqn. of Polish Border Guard SP-PDG
2006 - Gdansk-Rebiechowo
grey, red, yellow - Maritime Sqn. of Polish Border Guard SP-VSB
2012 - Gdansk-Rebiechowo
grey, red, yellow
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