1914 Dennis Fire Engine
October 25, 2022The contents of the box is packed typically for kits of the era.2
October 25, 2022Nostalgia3
October 25, 2022The engine and associated parts provides very spartan detail. Although not on full display, it does provide the opportunity for adding limited details apart from detail painting to create interest.4
October 25, 2022Hollow out the end of the exhaust.5
October 25, 2022Hollow out the end of the hooter.6
October 25, 2022A basic wiring harness.7
October 25, 2022I removed what I considered to be the plastic which simulates the protection for the wiring harness.8
October 25, 2022Oil filling tube and cap.9
October 25, 2022Valves x 810
October 25, 2022All the holes drilled out for the wiring harness, valves and water pipes.11
October 25, 2022No basic fuel tank is provided. On this reference photograph a fuel tank can be seen. The only cause of action remains to fabricate a tank.12
October 25, 2022We have a fuel tank. I noticed now that the mounting brackets may be upside down.13
October 25, 2022The center beam was slightly bend (see orange arrow). I had the whole piece in boiling water and the result is that the whole piece is discombobulated. I will have to scratch build an entire new part number 117.14
October 25, 2022The scratch build parts required (on the left) to replace part 11715
October 28, 2022Modifying the front suspension to one that can turn.16
October 28, 2022The parts required to assemble the chassis primed with Tamiya NATO black. This will be followed by gloss black as a base coat for the parts which will be painted in metal colours and white as a base coat for the parts which will be painted post office red.17
October 31, 2022Colour on the chassis parts.18
November 7, 2022Detail painting of the parts and assembly of the chassis continue.19
November 11, 2022While continue to building subassemblies I note the date of manufacture.20
November 11, 2022The coachwork.21
November 20, 202222
November 20, 2022Laid down the first decals. No problems. The decals are behaving perfect for being nearly 58 years old.23
November 20, 2022No decals are provided for the instrument panel. I used dry transfers from a WW2 German set.24
November 21, 202225
November 21, 202226
November 21, 202227
November 21, 2022The chassis sealed in with Humbrol Clear Gloss and left to dry.28
November 21, 2022The ladder29
November 21, 2022Subassemblies drying between detail painting sessions.30
November 21, 202231
November 21, 2022The decals laid down perfectly despite being 58 years old. The decals were were sealed in with Humbrol Clear Gloss.32
November 21, 202233
November 21, 2022The coachwork with the hoses.34
November 25, 2022Work on the coachwork is nearing completion. Added instrument faces (dry transfers) from the German WW2 set. Add the number plate. Picked out more details.35
November 28, 2022Coach work married the running chassis.36
November 28, 202237
November 28, 202238
November 28, 202239
November 28, 202240
November 28, 202241
November 28, 2022Subassemblies for the rescue ladder.42
December 2, 2022Detail painting on the rescue ladder completed and ready for final assembly.43
December 3, 2022All the detail parts attached to build up the rescue ladder.44
December 4, 2022For a working version of the escape ladder use strong thread then knot and secure with a drop of to the middle roller, around the small pulley on the bottom ladder, around pulley on carriage frame. Take back and secure to center hole in lug on crossmember frame.45
December 5, 2022Reference photo to determine the rope setup.46
December 5, 2022Second rope installed. Take a piece of thread and similarly secure to the top roller (this is where I disagree. The reference photograph shows securing the rope to the bottom roller rather) then around the larger pulley bottom ladder, around pulley at top and secure to hole in lug on bottom tung of middle ladder.47
December 5, 2022The middle ladder is fitted and the third and final rope installed. Secure a third piece of thread to lug on bottom rung of bottom ladder, beneath middle ladder, around pulley and secure to lug on bottom rung of top ladder.48
December 5, 2022The construction of the rescue ladder is completed.49
December 5, 202250
December 5, 202251
December 5, 202252
December 5, 202253
December 5, 2022The rescue ladder has now been married to the vehicle.54
November 28, 2022Reference photos to paint the crew.55
November 29, 2022Figures, basic colour of the uniform painted.56
November 29, 2022Details being added.57
January 4, 2023The mudguards, headlights and hooter added.58
January 4, 202359
January 4, 202360
January 4, 202361
January 4, 202362
January 4, 202363
January 4, 202364
December 27, 2023Firemen completed.65
December 27, 2023The firemen installed on their fire engine.66
December 27, 2023The firemen installed on their fire engine.
25 February 2025, 10:10 -
Project info
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