Alphajet comparative build.
December 2, 2021reference drawings : 1/72nd scale aviation modeler december 20092
December 2, 2021left: Heller ejection seats, PJ production replacement Martin Baker Mk.4; right KP ejection seats : for German AJ3
December 2, 2021KP fuselage and wings compared to scale drawing : The wings are OK, but the tail appears to be 4 mm too short4
December 2, 2021Heller fuselage and wings compared to scale drawing: however,landing lights are not in the wings5
December 2, 2021fuselage dry fit : KP seems easier to build; shorter tail on KP not really visible6
December 3, 2021ejection seats in both kits can be replaced by resin (mine come from PJ Productions)7
December 3, 2021Auxiliary tanks : more complicated construction on Heller; I won't use them anyway on Belgian AJ8
December 3, 2021Wings : separation of upper and lower wings different . KP needs some clean up to get a good fit9
December 3, 2021Inlets : slightly better on KP , in the middle resin replacement for Heller by Pavla10
December 3, 2021Dry fit of the fuselage; Heller parts a little bit warped, but it can help to fit the cockpit. Bottom part of KP is easier to fit than the Heller. I think they need both some weight in the nose.11
December 3, 2021Undercarriage construction is similar on both kits; but I think it is better to wait with therese parts, till the end, even after painting.12
December 4, 2021The wing slots on the KP kit need widening to fit the tab. Heller fits fine13
December 3, 2021Cockpit construction similar, Heller gives more space for the pilot. There is a Pavla resin replacement for the cockpit which costs more than the kit. I will not use it. I think this makes only sense if you want to build a "competition" model with open canopy, which is way beyond my capabilities.
So I will simulate minimal detail in the cockpits, below a closed canopy and with resin ejection seats14
December 5, 2021Nose gear : KP parts look like a copy of the HELLER. Neither one ressembles the real one15
December 5, 2021The main gear looks too tiny on both kits16
December 11, 2021A good fellow measured the gear at the 1 Wing Historical Centre at Beauvechain. Nose and main gear definitely need a replacement17
December 14, 2021After two weeks of trial and error to make a replacement gear (in the middle) I decided to keep the kit parts and to modify/ reinforce them with bits of 1 mm and 1,5 mm plastic rod .18
December 14, 2021The KP wings have the right shape and engraved panels, which is OK for me. The Heller wing needs corrections with putty. The flap hinges need also a correction. I tried to engrave the Heller wing, but my skills are so bad, I decied to refill it again. I think it will not make a big difference with the special decoration I intend to use.19
December 17, 2021Both kits have " empty shelves" behind the ejection seats, although there is a lot of stuff visible there. Luckily there are some well documented builds of the Kinetic 1/48 kit, which give a good view of what it could be. I added bits and pieces with plastic card and rod to simulate the equipment in that area20
December 20, 202121
December 20, 202122
December 20, 202123
December 20, 2021Cockpits detailed with bits and pieces, PJ production Martin Baker seats, HUD display of acetate sheet24
December 20, 2021The KP cockpit improved25
December 20, 2021The Heller cockpit improved26
December 29, 2021ready for primer, just a bit of putty needed on the joints27
January 4, 2022grey primer AK and some small corrections28
January 4, 2022basecoat magenta (almost pink) before yellow29
January 28, 2022I used oramask sheet for masking30
February 11, 2022masking top31
February 11, 2022masking bottom32
February 19, 2022masks removed and more masks added. Some corrections needed33
March 20, 2022paint disaster. When trying to correct some over and underspray with a brush and AK real color, the paint resolved the underlying coat and when I tried to remove it with Lifecolor cleaner , the paint started chipping . I will now strip off all the paint and restart34
April 22, 2022tinkercad design for nose wheel replacement35
April 22, 2022tinkercad design for main gear replacement36
April 22, 2022tinkercad design for cockpit improvement37
April 22, 2022comparison between KP kit parts and resin 3D printed replacement and PJ resin ejection seat38
April 26, 2022But the KP main wheels are much better than the Heller/Revell ones39
April 26, 2022The nose streaks are very thin and tiny : I will use PE leftovers to make them40
April 29, 2022new paint scheme for the Heller kit: Lifecolor Red and Yellow waterbased acrylics.41
April 29, 2022new paint sheme for the Heller kit : Revell enamel blue spray42
May 7, 2022I found in my collection this model, brush painted +20 years ago, the varnish became yellow. After stripping the paint with oven cleaner, it appeared to be the Fujimi/ Heller kit underneath.43
May 7, 2022The Fujimi/Revell kit: old model Paint removed, ejection seats removed, UC removed, and new coat of Tamiya AS-16 light grey , 3D cockpit details added, PE strips on the nose. Will be repainted in the early vietnam type camo44
May 7, 2022laser printed decals for the upgrade45
May 11, 2022the plane46
May 11, 2022the model47
May 11, 2022the model48
May 11, 2022happy with the 3d replacement U/C49
May 11, 2022the bottom, paint error difficult to correct50
May 11, 2022back view51
June 2, 2022Revell/Heller finished. I got a lot of issues with the old DACO decals, which were rather stiff and did not react well to microsol. Luckily the set I had contained two identical sheets, so corrections were possible .52
June 2, 2022Top view53
June 2, 2022Bottom view54
June 2, 2022front view55
June 4, 2022this one is finished too : old Fujimi/Heller kit, paint removed, new ejection seats, new main U/C , repainted and new decals56
June 4, 2022Final
25 February 2025, 16:05 -
Album info
Comparative build of the old Heller/Revell kit and the new KP kit. Both have some issues, the main problem is the U/C for which I finally designed 3D printed replacements.
I also found in my collection an old model, which appeared to be the Fujimi/Revell kit, which I will give an upgrade after stripping off the paint.