Fieseler Fi 156 Storch strip down Bekijk: Diavoorstelling Mozaïek Lijst 1 October 13, 2021
I could get hold of one of those rare kits.
2 October 13, 2021
not being able so solder yet, I superglued everything, which was quite fumbly at times.
3 October 13, 2021
One or two details at the cockpit were added
4 October 13, 2021
RLM2 is the color of the frame. Wooden parts were painted acrylic buff and received a more wooden appearance with oils afterwards.
5 October 13, 2021
Eduard wants you to build the strip down kit with a close engine cowling. In my eyes this contradicts the idea of a strip down kit somewhat. So I decided to look for an engine - and found one.
6 October 13, 2021
The engine fire wall and the oil tank were scratched and after the nerve wrecking assembly of the forward flaps I could call it done.
7 8 9 10 11 12 April 1, 2023
I wanted to shoot some better pictures for quite a while.
I find this bird tricky to photograph, or is it just me?!
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Opmerkingen 17 February 2025, 15:28 -
Album info Eduards strip down kit build and enhanced
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