Thunderbarrel, N469P - catch me if you can....
April 23, 20172
April 23, 20173
April 24, 2017Additional panel with engine-control instruments.4
April 24, 20175
April 24, 2017Removed gun fairings for reducing drag.6
May 1, 20177
May 1, 20178
May 1, 2017Little electric motor (Mabuchi) and R-1820 (Quickboost). On both sides a round piece of plastic for better alignment of the Mabuchi on Quickboost.9
May 1, 201710
May 2, 2017R-1820 Cyclone ready for paint.11
May 2, 2017Who is faster: the plane or the mechanic?12
May 5, 201713
May 7, 201714
May 7, 201715
May 7, 201716
May 8, 2017Kit part replaced with 4 pieces round rod and rectangular plate. Fixed part of canopy separated from "rest".17
May 8, 201718
May 8, 2017Wheels prepaired for connecting of power supply (2 x 1,5 V batteries)19
May 8, 2017Glued in place with CA and sanded wit 600 grit without damage.20
May 9, 20171st step: glued in place with few drops of CA. 2nd step: all gaps filled with Future to prevent of fogging.21
May 9, 20173rd step: after drying of Future all remained gaps filled with CA. 4th step: sanded flush with 600 grid sandpaper.22
May 9, 20175th step: sanding with micro mesh 3200,3600,4000 and 6000. 6th step: polishing with Tamiyas modeling wax.23
May 9, 201724
May 16, 201725
May 16, 201726
May 16, 201727
May 16, 201728
May 16, 201729
May 20, 201730
May 20, 201731
May 20, 201732
May 20, 201733
May 20, 201734
May 20, 201735
May 21, 201736
May 21, 201737
May 21, 201738
May 22, 201739
May 22, 201740
May 26, 201741
May 26, 201742
May 26, 201743
May 26, 201744
May 26, 201745
May 26, 201746
May 26, 201747
May 26, 201748
May 26, 201749
May 26, 201750
May 26, 201751
May 26, 201752
May 26, 201753
May 28, 2017Base in work.54
May 28, 2017Connection pins for voltage.55
May 28, 201756
May 28, 20172x1,5V batteries.57
June 1, 201758
June 1, 201759
June 1, 201760
June 1, 201761
June 1, 201762
June 1, 201763
June 1, 2017
17 February 2025, 16:49 -