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1:72 S-300

Timeline for PST (72060) S-300 PMU (SA-10 Gramble)

Air Defense Missile System Multifunctional Radar Vehicle

Full history

Zeus Model
Missing info
S-300PM/PMU (W-Model WB06) S-300PMU1/PMU2 (SA-20 Grumble) (Modelcollect AS72118) S300 Missile System 54K6E "Baikal" (Modelcollect AS72143) S300 Missile System 54K6E "Baikal" (Modelcollect AS72144) S-300 (SA-10 Grumble) Missile launcher,5P85S/SD (Modelcollect AS72147) S-300 (SA-10 Grumble) Missile launcher,5P85S/SD (Modelcollect AS72148) 40V6 Mast with 76N6 Radar (W-Model WB62) S300 PMU 5P85D (4D Puzzle Model 0)

Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.