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1:72 German Trailer

Timeline for MACO (7219) Munitionsanhänger

für mittlere Flak

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TP Model
Wespe Models
Triumph des Willens
Missing info
Anhänger-Slipwagen for Delphin, Linse, Schlitten I Schlitten II (Schatton Modellbau 72152) Sd.Anh. 13 (Planet Models MV072) German 3-Achs 10 to. trailer "Fa. Dittmann" (Schatton Modellbau 72181) Anhänger E-3 (Planet Models MV136) German Trailer (Wespe Models WES 72006) Ammunition Trailer for 155mm Schneider (Wespe Models WES R010) Mittlerer Anhänger mit Betriebestoffkesselenlage (Blitz Workshop B72025) 11t heavy wehrmacht trailer (Triumph des Willens 1221/2) Lauster Wargel LW3 Mod.1942 (bonus trailer) (Abteilung '46 AB72037)

Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.