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1:72 Aichi M6A Seiran

Timeline for Farpro Japan (105) Japanese Navy Seaplane Bomber Seiran Type 11 M6A1

Full history

Farpro Japan
Air Flash
MPM Production
Missing info
Aichi M6A1 Seiran (The Eagles Talon, Inc. ET131) Aichi M6A1-K Nanzan (The Eagles Talon, Inc. ET132) Aichi M6A1-K Nanzan (MPM Production 72014) Aichi M6A1 Seiran (Vac Wings VW7241) Aichi M6A1-K Nanzan (Vac Wings VW7242) Aichi M6A1 Seiran (Wings Models, Inc WM72041) Aichi M6A1-K Nanzan (Wings Models, Inc WM72042) Aichi Seiren (CMR 35)

Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.