Marek ValkoIf same like their A-6 family then I expect in 5-6 years
27 February 2023, 09:55
servalpe 著者Yes, I am waiting for this release and EA-6 too. I have only S-3 on my stash from Hasegawa (just only cost 13€ and I think that decals are marked from 2014), but I am waiting to this to not make recessed panelines from raised ones.
27 February 2023, 12:28
Marek ValkoI had 3 kits of S-3 hasegawa .. when I noticed that Trumpeter will came with new tool I sold them. Honestly it is a old mold with poor quality (which is not a problem cause of technology in that ages) but for me only decals had some real value. Meantime I have a lot of kits in stash so 5-6 years is not problem for me to wait 😄
27 February 2023, 12:43
servalpe 著者Yes, so much models on the stash. 13 € for decals, maybe it is a good reason to not sell the kit 😉
27 February 2023, 18:06