Under full armour - Challenger 3 with TES
May 23, 20212
May 22, 20213
May 22, 20214
May 22, 20215
May 22, 20216
May 22, 20217
May 22, 20218
May 22, 20219
May 23, 2021The crew was made first. They went together without any problems. Maybe their helmets are a tad too big. But this is in the eye of the beholder...10
May 23, 2021Completed lower hull11
May 23, 2021This is the extra armored plate for additional protection of the crew against buried IEDs12
May 23, 2021Already looks very monstrous 🙂13
May 23, 2021Here starts the first surgery for converstion into Challenger 3. The rubber pads of the gun rails and one support above the engine compartment have to be removed14
May 23, 2021Support at the engine deck and rubber blocks removed; made two flatbars at the outsides with Evergreen stripe and made the drillholes.15
May 24, 2021Finished the stern of the tank16
May 24, 2021suspension completed17
May 24, 2021View of the completed underside18
May 24, 2021All running wheels applied19
May 30, 2021frontal view with full TES installed. There is speculation if Challenger 3 would have a driver´s camera or not (plain vehicle which was officially introduced didn´t showed one but I estimate it will have when fully uparmored during a conflict.20
May 30, 202121
May 30, 2021Top view. It looks like a giant turtle with its reactive armor around22
May 30, 2021Rye Field provided etched grilles for the forward engine louvres but not for the ones behind. Don´t know it this is correct or not?!23
May 30, 2021Rear view - all components are just assembled with patafix just to show how it looks. It will later be disassebled for a better painting of the single components24
June 3, 2021Finished the turret; the reactive armor differ at both sides at the the original kit. I had to saw off to reduce the height at the right side and add a flange bar to let both sides look identical.25
June 3, 2021The bracket for the rear turret bar armor had to be modified as the rear turret of the Challenger 3 is not angled like the Challenger 2 Megatron26
June 3, 202127
June 3, 202128
June 3, 202129
June 5, 2021Single link tracks is, to me, the most boring job at tank modelling. But with the provided jig it went really fast and clean30
June 5, 2021I didn´t made a complete track for each side as you won´t see it anyway because of the side shields and the add on armor31
June 5, 2021I have no idea if there is a remote weapon station planned for the Challenger 3 too or not. I have glued together the one within the kit to see how it looks. Will decide later if I use it or not32
June 13, 2021Tank driver finished - the british national shoulder badge were made out of thin masking tape, paintet with blue, white and red oil colors and sealed with matt laquer33
June 13, 2021The black glaze is still wet, thats why you still can see some glossy areas. Will be matte very soon34
June 13, 202135
June 13, 2021Tank commander finished. The wires were made with PLUSMODEL 0,3 mm lead wire36
June 13, 202137
June 13, 2021Loader finished - also here the black glaze is not completely cured and still shining. When dry everything will be clean matte38
June 13, 202139
June 13, 202140
May 29, 2022Finally found time and interest to paint the vehicle in the standart british camouflage. The paints used here were from Alclad41
May 29, 2022The paint sheme were copied from accessible pictures of the real Challenger 342
May 29, 2022dusted in and the driver already took place in his workstation. Sadly not much can be seen anymore of his uniform43
May 29, 2022Sideview. I am not very satisfied with the dusting of the side reactive armor but somehow the pigments kept sticking and I was not able to remove them as I had planned.44
May 29, 2022rear cage armor45
May 29, 202246
May 29, 2022Top view; dusting was reduced here to a minimum47
May 29, 202248
May 29, 2022zoomed picture of the driver49
June 4, 2022Remote weapon station finished and fixed at the loaders position50
June 4, 2022view from the loaders hatch51
June 4, 2022The big lense was made out of a spare sheet of reflective periscope set from AFV-Club for the M1A2 Abrams52
June 4, 2022frontal view of the finished vehicle. I made the distance poles for the driver out of wire and a blob of cristal clear painted in black and white53
June 4, 202254
June 4, 2022a picture of the complete crew together55
June 4, 202256
June 4, 2022The numbering at the turret´s rear cage armor was salvaged from an old Tamiya challenger decal set I believe57
June 4, 202258
June 4, 202259
June 4, 2022I just switched the loader and commander as I think they fit better in the other´s station60
June 4, 202261
June 4, 202262
June 4, 202263
June 4, 202264
June 4, 202265
June 4, 202266
June 4, 202267
June 17, 2022Finished the diorama base for my Challenger today68
June 17, 202269
June 17, 202270
June 17, 202271
June 17, 202272
June 17, 202273
June 17, 202274
June 17, 202275
June 17, 202276
June 17, 2022