Sukhoi T-10-11 Prototype completed
3 6 June 2020, 13:10

Thank's mates!!
>Amazing Flanker family.
I'm waiting for big paper sheet - to make group photo of all together🙂
And of course Su-34 is in my wishlist🙂
10 June 2020, 08:18

Great looking round-wing Flanker! And a happily growing family too 👍 Maybe the P-42 record Flanker next?😉
10 June 2020, 18:09

>Maybe the P-42 record Flanker next?
Unfortunately there is no good modelrn kit of this plane🙁
11 June 2020, 04:49

Interesting to see all the differences to the production airplane. How was the kit like?
11 June 2020, 09:19

>How was the kit like?
Not so bad as I expect before start🙂 Actualy even normal\good. Some putty needed, lof of flash should be cut&sand. But fits fell)
11 June 2020, 11:29