Aero L-29 Delfin
May 3, 2020seats painted - but seat belts are missing... had to search the spare parts box2
May 3, 2020Everything is ready to go - so let's start!3
May 3, 2020instrument panels all done4
May 3, 2020cockpit tube ready for small bits5
May 3, 2020side wall cushion painted6
May 3, 2020small oxygen and other bottles painted and ready for final assembly7
May 3, 2020cockpit tube completed (still no seatbelts 🙁 )8
May 3, 20209
May 3, 202010
May 3, 2020first of small lead pieces added to the small free space in the nose11
May 3, 2020few more bits of lead to avoid "tail sitter"12
May 3, 202013
May 3, 2020oxygen bottles glued in place14
May 3, 2020found spare seatbelts from Mig-15 (one pair already glued on seat)15
May 3, 2020now it's looking great!16
May 3, 2020seatbelts in place. Really like the final look!17
May 3, 2020fuselage glued together18
May 3, 202019
May 3, 2020wings prepaired and ready to glue to the main fuselage20
May 3, 2020starting to look like plane 😄21
May 3, 202022
May 3, 2020and small comparison with bigger brother (1/48)23
May 3, 2020canopy masked and glued in place (with PVA glue)24
May 3, 2020black base coat - just to check the joints and surface25
May 3, 202026
May 3, 2020MRP Silver sprayed in with additional red bands, strips.27
May 3, 2020small bits28
May 3, 2020more of small bits29
May 3, 2020ready for wash30
May 3, 202031
May 3, 202032
May 3, 2020And it's DONE!33
May 3, 202034
May 3, 202035
May 3, 202036
May 3, 202037
May 3, 202038
May 3, 202039
May 3, 202040
May 3, 2020Hope you like it 🙂
1 3 May 2020, 07:11