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Christian Ristits (CR-Modellbau)

Alpha Jet Luftwaffe 40+27


10 March 2018, 10:52
Alexander Grivonev
Sweet result!
 10 March 2018, 11:06
Burkhard D
Superbly done! 👍👍👍
 10 March 2018, 11:38
Konrad -
And another great build! Congratulations!
 10 March 2018, 12:04
Stephan Ryll
Indeed this is also a beautiful work from your bench - love the alpha jet 👍 👍 👍
 10 March 2018, 12:14
Christian Ristits
Thank you very much mates, it was great fun to build this excellent kit!
 10 March 2018, 12:29
beautiful result Christian
 10 March 2018, 12:46
Hanno Kleinecke
Excellent looking Alpha, Christian !
 10 March 2018, 14:01
Tim Heimer
Looks great!
 10 March 2018, 14:38
Es-haq Khosravi
 10 March 2018, 14:49
Christian Ristits
Again - thank you my friends!!!
 11 March 2018, 08:43
Christian Ristits
thank you James, much appreciated!
 12 March 2018, 18:26
Stefan Fraundorfer
Zum Alpha Jet hab' ich dir ja noch gar nicht gratuliert. Schaut gut aus. Lackierung und Alterung ist dir wieder sehr gut gelungen.
 12 April 2018, 18:03
Christian Ristits
Danke dir Stefan!
 13 April 2018, 13:50
Holger Kranich
Sehr schönes Ding, Christian! 👍 Welche Farbe hast Du für die Sitze genommen?
 28 February 2019, 09:16
Christian Ristits
Servus Holger, danke! Ich glaube das war Revell Aqua 150 Hellblau...soweit ich mich erinnern kann...LG
 28 February 2019, 10:23
Holger Kranich
Danke für die Info! Ich hab den kit noch bei mir liegen und langsam kitzelt es in den Fingern...
 28 February 2019, 10:42
Jos Jansen
Beautiful build, excellent...👍
 28 February 2019, 12:07
Christian Ristits
@Holger - ja dann hau rein 😉
Jos, thanks for your kind words!
 28 February 2019, 15:48
Nathan Dempsey
Looks great. How was the kit?
 28 February 2019, 16:11
Christian Ristits
The Kit was not easy to build but it was worth the effort...the Resin-Details and a lot of marking-Options put a high value on it.
 28 February 2019, 16:18
I agree with Jos!
 28 February 2019, 17:51
Christian Ristits
Many Thanks Neuling!
 3 March 2019, 07:29
Daniel Mysak
Nice little jet, great work on the model.[y]
 3 March 2019, 08:23

Project info

13 immagini
1:48 Luftwaffe Alpha Jets (Wingman Models WMK48005)

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