Tiger I Late Version Michael Wittmann Special Vista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1August 11, 2016 2August 11, 2016 3August 11, 2016 4August 11, 2016 Commenti11 August 2016, 16:13Murad ÖZERcolors are adorable <3 lovely build Irving. 11 August 2016, 16:42Hister FarjasThank you Spanjaard and Murad ÖZER 11 August 2016, 16:59Michael HickeyLove the colours, really nice.👍 11 August 2016, 22:23Album infoTiger I Late Version Michael Wittmann Special Tiger I Late Version Wittmann 0074 immagini1:35CompletatoPz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I (late) Waffen SS (1933-1945)s.SS-Pz.Abt. 101 007 (Michael Wittmann)Agosto 1944 World War 2»Battle of Normandy - Caen RAL7028 Dark Yellow RAL6003 Olive Green RAL8017 Red Brown Tutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »