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B. M. (bearmatt)

P-51D Mustang - Double Trouble Two FINAL PICS


3 21 October 2015, 20:18
Es-haq Khosravi
1:72?!!! How is it possible! Great job!
 21 October 2015, 20:26
Hanno Kleinecke
Purely excellent, wonderful Mustang !
 21 October 2015, 20:32
Juergen Klinglhuber
Super. Well done Mustang!
 31 January 2020, 16:26
I agree with everyone above.
 31 January 2020, 20:07
William O.
Wowie dude, you nailed it! In 72nd too boot, kudos to ya.
 1 February 2020, 00:04
Andrea Brenco
Nice clean one! really like it!
 1 February 2020, 09:56
B. M.
Thank you chaps! 🙂
 1 February 2020, 10:11
Steve Desarzens
chouette déco !!!
 18 February 2020, 19:26
Dave Flitton
Excellent build, Tamiya "Stangs are a fall together build!
 18 February 2020, 21:40
B. M.
Merci Steve 🙂
Thanks Dave. I absolutely agree with you, that was a very pleasant build and one that needed ZERO filler. This doesn't happen quite often...
 19 February 2020, 10:33

Project info

13 immagini
1:72 North American P-51D Mustang (Tamiya 60749)1:72 P-51D Mustangs Part 1 (Barracuda Studios BC72009)

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