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Mirko Römer (MonoWyvern)

Flygvapenmusem in Malmslätt, Linköping (Swedish Airforce Museum)


10 14 August 2024, 15:56
Robert Podkoński
One of the museums I would love to visit... Thanks for sharing!
 14 August 2024, 16:13
Mirko Römer
You're welcome. I must apologyze for my phone, it's not so good in low level light conditions. Will sort the pictures out later.
 14 August 2024, 19:25
Shar Dipree
Thanks for sharing. You shure with picture #81 and #170?
 14 August 2024, 20:01
Mirko Römer
Removed my family, thanks Shar 😁
 14 August 2024, 20:30

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