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Chris Vandegrift (Themongoose)

Albumok (81)

Az összes projektalbum megjelenítése Projektek böngészése

Legújabb projektalbumok

69 képek
LibertyView album, image #66Új: 5 December, 03:13
And here she is!! The background is Baltimore harbor where many of these ships docked and the John Brown still plies the...
1:350 S.S. Jeremiah O'Brien (Trumpeter 05301)
42 képek
Eiffel Tower- I Dare You View album, image #42
I’ve chosen the color to match the painting rather than the color in the 1940s. More important to match the picture and ...
Projekt: Tour Eiffel
1:650 Tour Eiffel (Heller 61201)
66 képek
On The JumpView album, image #62
Projekt: On The Jump
1:32 SJU-4/7A (AV-8B) ejection set (Aires 2120)1:32 AV-8 Chaff and Flare dispensers (Eduard 32723)1:32 AV-8 early formation light (Eduard 32693)5+
18 képek
FFG-48 USS VandegriftView album, image #5
8 képek
Tornado IPMS Silhouette Cutter SeminarView album, image #5
1:48 Panavia Tornado IDS (Revell 03987)
126 képek
FathersDaySarkView album, image #119
Silver medal at IPMS NATS in Madison WI - Basic Kit Build
Projekt: Cutty Sark
1:160 Cutty Sark (Academy 01445)
73 képek
USS Midway CVB-41 In The BeginningView album, image #55
1:350 USS Midway CV-41 (Trumpeter 05634)

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Egyébb albumok

15 képek
DoodleBugView album, image #1
5 képek
Middle East Wars GBView album, image #2
9 képek
WWI British Female TankView album, image #1
Vallejo, OOB, Nov '16