Do 335 Aufklärer
37 21 February 2022, 15:41

First pictures of the new Do-335 projects: Dragon's moulds are clearly not quite up to date, but with a little improvisation and Eduard harnesses at least an improvement can be achieved. The accuracy of fit is rather mediocre so far, but the construction seems uncomplicated.
21 February 2022, 15:44

Very fine!
Wings - including the extensions for the reconnaissance version - I was able to assemble today, photos will follow!
22 February 2022, 07:51

Let me ask you a question, Roland. Did you use thick CA glue all over the front of the fuselage?
22 February 2022, 14:33

Oh wow 🙂 One of my (...two) absolute favorite planes 👍 Following!!!
22 February 2022, 14:37

Thank you very much, Robert and Sebastian! That´s fine!
Exactly: I use CA KLeber not only for gluing, but here mainly as a "filler". When cured, it can be excellently sanded.
22 February 2022, 16:34

Here are a few pictures of the current state of construction, showing among other things the enlarged span of the reconnaissance version. A small operation, well prepared from the kit parts, has made it possible....
22 February 2022, 17:29

Thanks for your answer, Roland. I sometimes use thick CA as a filler too... with longer wings it looks more elegant IMHO 😉
22 February 2022, 17:52

With pleasure Robert! Yes, I think so too; next week I want to start with two Do-335B from Tamiya, that will be a nice comparison, I think.
22 February 2022, 18:03

A short time-lapse: priming and then the application of Gunze H69/ RLM 75 (not shown here) for the planned stains provided the basis for the more elaborate but also fun part: the production of holes. What looks like a two-dimensional model of a Swiss cheese here is the remnant of two days of masking the intended stains. Now I'm looking forward to the result after applying Gunze H 417/ RLM 76!
11 March 2022, 16:17

Nice work Roland. Looking forward to seeing how the camouflage turns out 👍
11 March 2022, 16:47

Looking very good so far Roland 👍 I rember cutting my teeth on the original kit....not my fondest memories 😉
11 March 2022, 16:56

This looks intriguing! I am super curious how this camo will look, it certainly makes you work for it!
11 March 2022, 17:19

Thank you mates, these words motivates a lot! Just have applied the RLM 76 coat, tomorrows de-masking will show, if it did work.
11 March 2022, 18:39

Respekt für Foto Nummer 10 - top ! Denn masking sheets kaufen kann jeder.
12 March 2022, 10:20

This is how the Do 335C currently looks. Tomorrow I want to seal the decals - she will be a bit shinier in the short term - and then discreetly but nevertheless apply exhaust and usage traces. I hope that the surfaces will no longer look so "artificial"! 🙂
13 March 2022, 13:54

You managed to get the camo pattern very crisp and precise even around edges and corners. Decals are great too. Starting to look really superb.
13 March 2022, 21:59

Finally: at the finish! This project was really fun, especially the experiments with the spot camouflage. It worked well on the Yugoslavian Bf 109, and in a slightly different scale it also looks passable in 72 scale. The radio antenna and the Pitot tube were added in metal - both were not in the kit - the unfolded ladder was included in the kit as a small, fine etched part. I hope you like the pictures; now to the two "big" Tamiya-Do 335!
17 March 2022, 19:51

Klasse Ding ! Wie immer eine wahnsinnige Geschwindigkeit vom Start bis Projektende !
18 March 2022, 06:03

Ich bedanke mich herzlich für Eure Worte! Thank you for these kind comments!
19 March 2022, 08:45

Beautiful Roland, really like the way you demonstrated how you did the "holes". 🙂 👍
19 March 2022, 09:15

Thank you for your very encouraging and motivating words!
19 March 2022, 19:37