Guy RumpLooking good Irving, you seem to have quite a number of models on the go at once! 🙂
27 April 2019, 06:45
Hister Farjas SzerzőOh thank you Guy, i am making a 1939 Poland invasion, little by little it is taking form, thank you greetings
27 April 2019, 16:46
Guy RumpI like that idea Irving, it'll be good to see it develop. 🙂
27 April 2019, 17:18
Łukasz GlińskiInteresting collection you're building here mate 🙂
29 April 2019, 08:44
Guy RumpGreat result Irving, looking forward to your future projects 🙂
1 June 2019, 11:08
NeulingBeautiful colours!
1 June 2019, 15:31