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Michael Kohl (panorama)

Mig-23 Gate Guard at Technikmuseum Sinsheim


21 28 February, 17:35
Patrick Hagelstein
Ooh! This is a cool idea! Very curious how this will turn out. Definitely joining in! 🙂
 28 February, 19:44
Nice project! I remember that bird from our visit (that triggers me to start plastic models) years ago too. I was impressed that you could see the bolts of the pivoting wings from the outside - and that they looked like new, unlike the rest. Titanium?
I hope you have enough pictures, a picture search found some.
 1 March, 00:42
I'm in. I grew up between Sinsheim and the partnermuseum in Speyer. So we visited one of the museums about every second month.
1  1 March, 09:55
Michael Kohl Szerző
Hi mates. Nice to have you on board.
Jep Frank, I think I do have enough pics as I shot a series with this project already in my mind.
It is indeed a very nice museum tour to visit Sinsheim and Speyer together.
1  1 March, 12:41
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic project! Taking a first row seat!
 1 March, 13:06
Jennifer Franklin
very nice! definitely following.
 1 March, 15:30
 1 March, 20:29
Watching 👍
 1 March, 21:17
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
Watching with interest 😊
 3 March, 14:54
Michael Kohl Szerző
Welcome everybody. Your interest elates me.
 3 March, 15:58
Mike Volkov
Very interesting project, I will follow it too! 🤩
 8 March, 11:53

Album info

The Technikmuseum Sinsheim. In case you haven´t been there, I strongly recommend going. Located in southern Germany it has a unique - if chaotic - collection of highly interesting objects. The iconic Concorde to be named as just one of them. Planes, cars, trains, boats, bicycles... you name it. And when you enter the parking lot, you are greeted by this bleached former GDR Mig-23 on poles as a gate guard. The faded colors gripped me immediately and yet another project startet to form in my mind.
And then - well, then ClearProp released a brand new, state of the art kit of the Mig-23 and made all the others obsolete - or so I thought.
Anyway. I got hold of a kit for an acceptable prize and couldn´t restrain myself and started building. The molding just looked spectacular with finest details and an extensive PE-fret. So I expected it to fall together just smoothly with a tad of extra thin cement and I´d be looking at a Mig-23 ready for paint in no time.
By now the real course of events probably doesn´t come as a surprise to you anymore as nothing fit properly. Maybe tolerances are so tight that I didn´t work precisely enough and it was all my fault? But more and more build reports stated similar difficulties. Progress was slow and endless sanding required just to mate the lower fuselage part to the nose-cockpit-section felt like an uphill battle. The rather complicated part breakdown - maybe to make the realisation of different versions more feasible - didn´t make matters easier and frustration grew until I threw the whole kit utterly disappointed onto the shelf of doom.

A couple of months later a nice modelling evening with my chaps lay ahead and I was looking for a project to continue when we met. So I grabbed my sanding and scraping gear and the illfitting kit again to give it another try. And - what can I say - with a different mindset, low expectations concerning fit, high motivation to preserve the fine details despite all the sanding and scraping required, this kit startet to take shape and progress slowly but continuously. So, being not far from the painting stage anymore, let my show you some steps on the way. Maybe it will interest or even help one or the other. And then - let´s color this beast!

17 képek
1:72 MiG-23MLA Flogger-G (Clear Prop! CP72030)1:72 MiG-23 Flogger - Pitot Tube (Master AM-72-040)1:72 MiG-23ML, MLD, P, MLAE Exhaust and air scoops (Clear Prop! CPA72080)1:72 MiG-23ML/MLA Flogger-G (Peewit M72320)1:72 Mig-23ML, MLA, MLAE, MLD, P (Clear Prop! CPA-72099)

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