F6F-3P Hellcat "The Prophet" - Completed
35 3 March, 23:44

Very very nice. Excellent build and just the right amount of weathering for my taste. Makes me want one. 🙂
4 March, 15:23

Another winner Len! I love the job on the Hellcat and the diorama really sets it off. I need to start doing that.
Obtw, I made another comment on the Intruder. You should REALLY enter that into a competition!
19 April, 13:04

I can't really consider this one a diorama, as it's just a printed base I bought for taking pictures. Not like the Intruder where I built the base from scratch. Thanks for all the kind words though. There are many flaws but I have fun building them which is what's important.
19 April, 23:03