1/35 AFV Club Dutch Centurion Mk 5/2, 6
26 14 September 2023, 05:54

Very nice model especially the camouflage net. But it has Dutch markings not Danish.
14 September 2023, 10:29

Thank you Neuling and Miles, the Netting is a mixture of 1/35 Barracuda and an old Verlinden Gaze - and thank you for pointing out, Miles... my fault i corrected that. And btw: the Netting is covering up some sloppy build errors - though the kit fit itself was not that perfect as some point out. Especially the vinyl tracks were 1cm short!
15 September 2023, 08:52
Album info
A kit i purchased at the wonderful Modelshop Plien 0verloon when i was at the Oorlogsmuseum Overloon on my trip to the Netherlands.