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Roland Sachsenhofer (Roland)

Martin Marlin ....taking off!


109 22 July 2022, 10:16
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hi mates, with these pictures I open my new project to the fantastic kit from Hasegawa to the even more fantastic plane 🙂 Since I want to show the model at take-off for a change, the Marlin of course needs a crew. I have "Frankensteined" this and put it together from the more usable parts of three figures each. As before, there must of course also be a moustache wearer. In full awareness that it could have been finer, I hope that the representation finds grace before your eyes.
The cockpit was scratched from scratch - with at least as much fun as realism 😉
22 July 2022, 10:22
Another huge project by Roland. I can't miss this one!
22 July 2022, 11:10
Dietmar Bogatzki
Fantastic start Roland 👍
22 July 2022, 15:40
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you both, mates. That motivates!
23 July 2022, 15:34
Oliver Zwiener
Als grosser Freund von bemannten Modellen , leere Cockpits sind bei mir eher die Ausnahme, freue ich mich auf Dein neues Projekt 😉
23 July 2022, 19:34
Roland Sachsenhofer
Ich freue mich, dass Dir das Projekt wie die Herangehensweise gefällt! I'm glad you like the project and the approach!
24 July 2022, 13:41
Roland Sachsenhofer
No big news here- but a few new pictures with which the two pilots say goodbye for the time being: now they will disappear under the cockpit cover, which, by the way, will require a lot of filling and sanding to fit.
24 July 2022, 13:43
Nathan Dempsey
Interesting project. The crew came out great!
24 July 2022, 17:19
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you Nathan!
25 July 2022, 17:56
Guy Rump
Looking great Roland 👍
25 July 2022, 19:05
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you for your words Guy!
26 July 2022, 08:52
Roland Sachsenhofer
A single picture continues the activities here: now the surfaces are being properly sanded and prepared!
28 July 2022, 10:31
Great, Roland! 👍
28 July 2022, 18:12
Wow, really looking forward to this one!
28 July 2022, 19:22
Michael Kohl
Me too.
28 July 2022, 19:54
Roland Sachsenhofer
I am pleased about your interest, mates!
29 July 2022, 08:49
Łukasz Gliński
That's gonna be bigly yuge 😉
29 July 2022, 08:49
Roland Sachsenhofer
Indeed, I am currently measuring the water base plate... well!
29 July 2022, 08:51
Hajo Lippke
I love that bird - don´t know if I ever take hands on a kit, but I will follow your build!
30 July 2022, 09:01
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hajo, I am very pleased about your interest!
I'll show you a sequence of pictures showing my first swimming attempts in the wet element - model-building-wise! An old picture frame, some clay and acrylic paint, in this sequence I let the preliminary work of the water base for the "starting Martin Marlin" take place. The last picture shows AK's "transparent water"; here it looks like white glue and seems to be rather like a step backwards on the prepared base. Experience shows, however, that it should indeed dry through nicely transparent. Well, we shall see!
1 August 2022, 17:50
Robert Podkoński
Let me watch this talent show! I am so curious about the final effect!
1 August 2022, 19:04
At the moment it looks like a submarine with periscope and snorkel! 😉
This is something new for you, but you have mastered it 👍
1 August 2022, 19:09
Hajo Lippke
What a great idea to present the model!
1 August 2022, 19:41
Oliver Zwiener
Ganz grosses Kino - klasse Diorama !!!
2 August 2022, 09:33
Roland Sachsenhofer
A snorkel! Actually two, yes, exactly... 🙂 Mates, thank you for your encouraging comments, your words all make me very pleased!
2 August 2022, 15:43
Water looks great so far 👍
3 August 2022, 18:50
this is going to be an amazing dio. i am in 🙂
3 August 2022, 18:54
Bruce Huxtable
Wow! I love your sculpted waves, even when just bare clay! The transformation with colour is a treat for the eyes too 🙂 Plane? What plane? Sir, You are an artist.
3 August 2022, 19:14
Roland Sachsenhofer
Cuajete, Spanjaard, Bruce: thank you very much for these highly motivating reactions to the pictures! I am very happy about it!
4 August 2022, 14:55
Roland Sachsenhofer
The following pictures show you the preliminary state of the water base together with the Martin Marlin. Now the Marlin will be finished as a model, then it will be united with the base in such a way that the spray close to the aircraft will be (almost) completely replaced/replaced with white cotton wool.
5 August 2022, 09:25
Holger Kranich
Hey Roland, looking good, so far! I´m in!
5 August 2022, 09:33
Dietmar Bogatzki
Hammer, der Start wirkt sehr realistisch, Roland 👍
5 August 2022, 10:18
Łukasz Gliński
It keeps looking better and better every time I lurk in here.
Are you sure your title is correct? 😉
5 August 2022, 11:01
Wow... that dio will be great!
5 August 2022, 11:59
Nathan Dempsey
Very nice. I can't wait to see your sea-spray effect.
5 August 2022, 13:19
Rui S
Beautifully done sea. 👍
5 August 2022, 20:27
Oliver Zwiener
Guten Morgen Roland, kannst Du beschreiben oder auch Bilder hochladen, wie man so eine erstklassige Wasserfläche modelliert und auch noch realistisch lackiert - dafür lieben Dank im Voraus , Olli 😉
6 August 2022, 07:18
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you all so much for the comments - as motivating as they are inspiring!
Indeed: "launch" is being reconsidered..... 🙂)

Oliver, das mache ich sehr gerne- hast Du mit der Bildfolge von der leeren Bilderrahmen- Rückseite bis zum fertig aufgetragenen Wasser-Gel (Bild 13 bis Bild 25) was anfangen können? Ich werde da gerne noch was ergänzen, wenn Du Fragen hast!

Oliver, I'm very happy to do this - did you get anything out of the sequence of pictures from the empty picture frame back to the finished water gel (picture 13 to picture 25)? I will gladly add something if you have any questions!
8 August 2022, 05:04
Greg Baker
I think this one needs motorized propellors... but of course, I always think that. Very nice. I love flying boats.
8 August 2022, 06:14
Lochsa River
sittin in!
8 August 2022, 07:59
Dominik Weitzer
thats pretty nice so far! very interesting!
8 August 2022, 14:44
Villiers de Vos
A very nice and creative display.
8 August 2022, 16:07
Oliver Zwiener
Aus welchen Material ist denn die Wasseroberfläche und wie bekommt man die diversen Wasserfarben und Schaumkronen lackiert ???
8 August 2022, 19:15
Daniel Klink
Whoa cool!! Following with interest::
Water looks superb Roland👍
8 August 2022, 19:41
Hajo Lippke
Hallo Oliver, hier zwei Links zu Wasser, das ich "gemacht" habe:
9 August 2022, 07:33
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hi mates, thank you for your comments and suggestions:
Oliver, the transparent water comes from "AK Water Gel Transparent", which I can only recommend in terms of application and also the result. The base was a mix of different blue and green tones from my colour collection, applied with a rather large bristle brush; I was careful not to make it too "colourful", despite the wide range of shades. So a few different shades are enough. After the gel applied afterwards had hardened, the white foam crowns were dabbed on with a fine hair brush - a process that is not yet complete.
Finally, when preparing the base, I pressed small ripples into the clay with my fingertips. These are laid out at right angles to the direction of flight of the marlin and are intended to represent a take-off into the wind. This does a lot of good to the overall water setting, and I can only recommend it. I hope my words and the pictures have been able to illustrate this well!

Oliver, das transparente Wasser stammt von "AK Water Gel Transparent", das ich punkto Verarbeitung und auch vom Ergebnis her nur empfehlen kann. Also Untergrund dafür wurde ein Mix aus unterschiedlichen Blau- und Grüntönen aus meiner Farb-Sammlung mit einem eher großen Borstenpinsel aufgetragen; dabei habe ich darauf geachtet, dass es bei aller Bandbreite der Schattierungen nicht zu "bunt" ausfallen würde. Also ein paar wenige unterschiedliche Farbtöne genügen da. Nach dem Aushärten des danach aufgetragenen Gels wurden die weißen Schaumkronen mit einem feinen Haarpinsel aufgetupft- ein Prozess der noch nicht abgeschlossen ist.
Zum Schluss noch: bei der Bereitung des Untergrundes habe ich mit den Fingerkuppen kleine Wellentäler in den Ton gedrückt. Diese sind quer zur Flugrichtung der Marlin ausgelegt und sollen so einen Start in den Wind darstellen. Dies tut der Wasserdasretellung insgesamt recht gut, ich kann das nur empfehlen. Ich hoffe meine Worte und die Bilder haben das gut illustrieren können!
9 August 2022, 14:51
Oliver Zwiener
Hallo Roland, hallo Hajo, ein großes Dankeschön an Euch beide - dafür 5 Sterne ***** !
9 August 2022, 18:52
Живко Джаков
I really like the big seaplanes! Nice project!
10 August 2022, 08:04
Robin (WhiteGlint)
👀 such nice water
10 August 2022, 10:36
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you very much for your interest and your motivating words, mates!
13 August 2022, 15:22
Roland Sachsenhofer
A few pictures show the progress made with the motors: firstly, a bit of wiring, and secondly, the rotating propeller blades in the making: these always contain two opposing propellers with a hole in the middle for the propeller hub to fit into. Two set at right angles to each other make a nice moving four-blade prop. At least that's what I hope! 🙂
17 August 2022, 07:53
Roland Sachsenhofer
....and this is how the Marlin looks at the moment: the surfaces are finished, only a layer of glossy clear varnish to show the wet underside is still missing. The pictures somewhat soften the effect of an aged surface/ exhaust traces, which are more obvious in the original. But this will be different with a different background or on the water diorama anyway.
Now follows a whole lot of small parts, such as antennas, wiring, bomb racks, anchor cables..... and of course the MAD detectors on the tail boom. These were created by drilling a hole in a plastic plate, the outer edges of which I then sanded to shape.
17 August 2022, 08:25
Gary Kitchen
This is a great looking seabird Roland. I'm really eager to see how the props turn out. 👍
17 August 2022, 08:38
Very nice scheme and painting job, Roland.
Great job with the engines 👍
17 August 2022, 10:44
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you mates! I am confident that I will be able to present this project this week - I am curious about the result myself! 🙂
18 August 2022, 10:10
Michael Kohl
You put her on some lovely cloths. Time for a bath I'd say.
18 August 2022, 17:28
Roland Sachsenhofer
I agree! Thank you Michael 🙂
19 August 2022, 08:31
Roland Sachsenhofer
Well, it seems to be done! Today I was able to take a few final pictures of the Martin Marlin in her element- or rather, in her elements. I hope you like the pictures, I really enjoyed the whole project with all the new elements!
In any case, I will remain faithful to the water diorama; it is a fine thing with a lot to discover.
Thank you for your motivating comments, your interest and your "likes"!
19 August 2022, 18:16
Bruce Huxtable
Wow! Spectacular take off! One can almost hear the roar of the engines, and feel their mighty power!
19 August 2022, 18:19
Roland Sachsenhofer
That's how it should be! 🙂 I'm glad to hear that Bruce, thank you!
19 August 2022, 18:21
Bruce Huxtable
Roland, it is always a pleasure and a privilege to watch you bring your projects to life 🙂
19 August 2022, 18:26
Stefan Fraundorfer
Extremely spectacular! Top built and staged - congratulations Roland!
19 August 2022, 18:29
Guy Rump
Very impressive build and excellent dio. 👍
19 August 2022, 18:33
Michael Kohl
Wow. Impressive. I like the blurred props too. Maybe a tiny little bit of weathering? It is a seaplane after all. 🙂
19 August 2022, 18:43
Robert Podkoński
19 August 2022, 18:50
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you very much for your words - that is of course a motivational boost! There are indeed few signs of wear, but enough for me in this context. However: the exhaust plumes around the mighty engines are more obvious in the original model than in the pictures.
19 August 2022, 18:51
Wow, really impressive result!
19 August 2022, 19:47
Rui S
I'm with Bruce. Great result, congratulations 👍
19 August 2022, 19:55
Gary Kitchen
Outstanding. What are your thoughts on the prop blur? Certainly seem to work better from some angles rather than others.
19 August 2022, 19:56
It's alive! Impressive indeed.
19 August 2022, 20:04
Daniel Klink
Great show Roland👍 Respect mate 👍
19 August 2022, 20:05
Erik Leijdens
Impressive result and presentation Roland! Looks like it's moving!
19 August 2022, 20:07
Villiers de Vos
A very nice result.
20 August 2022, 00:05
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Amazing 😎 👍
20 August 2022, 06:23
Łukasz Gliński
Outstanding effect! Would love to see it live 👍
20 August 2022, 07:52
Nice model and nice photos. 🙂

I wonder, maybe it is possible to gently sand the thin edges of the transparent plastic propellers to an absolute minimum? I am thinking of the thin edge you woud get if say you cut a piece of paper with a scissor, along the cut.
20 August 2022, 08:01
Lochsa River
How cool iz that, Roland?!

Great presentation.
20 August 2022, 08:20
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hi mates, I really appreciate your feedback and comments, which are as motivating as they are informative! @Treehugger: that sounds interesting and could actually increase the intended effect! In fact, that is a problem with this technique: the thickness of the material always makes itself felt.
I will try this out for the next round.
Łukasz, I'm glad to hear that, "live" I will soon be present at the Euro Model in Ried, Austria, and in the same month I will also be going to Erding, Germany, for the "Bayerische Modellbautage" in Erding near Munich.
Thank you all for your motivating words!
20 August 2022, 08:27
Excellent build and presentation! So dynamic! And some pictures actually seem to show the real thing!
20 August 2022, 09:43
Łukasz Gliński
Lucky you who live close to Roland! 😉
20 August 2022, 13:06
Nathan Dempsey
You have many great builds, but I think this one might be my favorite.
20 August 2022, 15:32
Impressive effect of movement with the water and the propellers. Very good result and very nice model.... Great!
21 August 2022, 09:04
Roland Sachsenhofer
Words like these from modellers like you- actually make me a little proud! Thank you for this motivating feedback, well, I feel encouraged indeed!
21 August 2022, 09:20
Oliver Zwiener
Ein weiterer Meilenstein hier bei Scalemates !
21 August 2022, 10:17
Wonderful result 👍
Hope to see it soon in real!
21 August 2022, 12:56
Roland Sachsenhofer
What words! Thank you for this motivating and highly appreciated feedback, thank you!
Yes, you will. Ried is calling!
21 August 2022, 16:42
Really impressive 👍
21 August 2022, 16:42
Dean Harpster
That is truly amazing! You are quite the artist sir!
22 August 2022, 04:55
22 August 2022, 05:40
Roland Sachsenhofer
Ronan, Dean, Gerald, I am heavily impressed by your responses mates, thank you so much for these really appreciated comments!
22 August 2022, 06:52
Christian Lehmann
22 August 2022, 07:04
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you! 🙂 See you in Ried?
25 August 2022, 10:08
Christian Lehmann
Yes, I´ll be there!
26 August 2022, 04:59
Gary Victory
Lovely work Roland and a unusual subject. Top job Sir.
26 August 2022, 06:24
Roland Sachsenhofer
Christian, I am pleased! Gray, your words are a valued motivation!
26 August 2022, 11:01
Jan Peters
Beautiful build!
26 August 2022, 11:03
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you Jan!
26 August 2022, 11:24
Great result. The presentation is amazing!!!
26 August 2022, 15:22
Ludvík Kružík
Fantastic result! Looking at the photos, it's easy to believe I'm watching a real plane take off. Big congrats on the masterpiece! 👍
26 August 2022, 15:55
Roland Sachsenhofer
Your words impress and motivate me - thank you, Vincent and Ludvik!
28 August 2022, 11:44

Project info

63 images
1:72 Martin SP-5B Marlin (Hasegawa K9)

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