UH-34 Sea Horse/ Alhorn
2 6 October 2018, 19:01
Thank you Daniel! 🙂
The Italeri-kit seems to be of quite promising quality, fit and general shape appear to be reasonable.
Nevertheless, the crew compartment and the cabins interior would be too empty if build "oob". With some etched parts from an Eduard detail-set and a lot of scratching and painting it gets a little bit more into life, so I hope.
6 October 2018, 19:11
very nice detailwork and as usual absolute clean and neat built so far..👍
Though the original is ( analogy to Peter Hardys words in the HMS Rodney thread) one of the ugliest things that has ever been put in the air. 🙂
11 October 2018, 19:56
Looks great! The painting of "Ein Trio mit vier Fäusten" would be a nice idea for this project. You would have a unique model. 😉
11 October 2018, 20:31
Great! Thank you for all these motivating words!
Harry, I guess it won´t be finished for Ried- but I am looking forward meeting so many outstanding modeller! This model will go to the museum of the Fliegerhorst Alhorn to represent a Sea Horse having been stationed there during the 60´s, so alot of green will be applied....
Daniel, sometimes I am curious about myself: I feel a strong attraction to those assumed, oftne characteristic and sometimes iconic "ugly things"
Indeed, Bastian! 🙂 Pink is the new green....
12 October 2018, 10:34
Ahlhorn? Na das ist ja quasi ein Katzensprung für mich... Cooles, häßliches Teil! Oh Gott, der Spalt in der Schnauze ist ja heftig!😎 😠
12 October 2018, 12:09
Danke Holger! Aber das ist/ wird nicht die einzige Baustelle bei diesem schön-hässlichem Stück. 🙂
13 October 2018, 10:11
See what you want to say Roland 👍 It is the same with me and the K3M Pine.
Ugly but somehow attractive the same way
13 October 2018, 16:21
K3M Pine! Uh, yes, pretty illustration of your words! 🙂
I got the H-34 pre-shaded and pre-lighted, after that, the Vallejo variant of "Gelboliv" /71.016 was added. Now I am going to do some detail work on the wheel-struts and the winch.
13 October 2018, 17:37
Thank´s Johne, I will have to sand some failures, but having this done and with another layer of the exquisite Vallejo paint the fuselage will be finished.
14 October 2018, 08:53
Corrected the incorrect "panellines" and added some details. Meanwhile the "Gelboliv" has been restored.
14 October 2018, 16:46
A few new pictures of the "Sea Horse". The decals are applied, but I am not very happy with them. A lot of "silvering" around the stencils will have to be eliminated.
The fragile antennas on the bow have been build up with hypodermic needles and copper wire; that results in a astonishing stable construction.
1 November 2018, 21:34
Thank you Cuajete for your comment!
The fuselage is almost ready, mainly the windshield wiper and some similar tiny parts have to be attached. Next and final step will be detailing the rotor head- I have taken these parts from the Hobby Boss kit.
5 November 2018, 22:32
Finished at last!
That was not always a trouble free build and there was a certain amount of scratchbuilding necessary- all the more I am happy having finalized that distinctive helicopter.
I have used the rotor head and wheel struts of the Hobby Boss kit: they have more details on them as the Italeri parts. Eduards etched parts have been very helpful, complementing my supplements. The antennas on the bow have been made from hypodermic needles. I hope you like the outcome!
7 November 2018, 18:47
Its Helitime, a little late for Heloween (flat joke ok) 🙂
As usual fantastic and clean craftsmanship with lots of love for the details!
Congrats Roland 👍
7 November 2018, 18:59
Thank you for our comments and interest, Cuajete and Ekki!
8 November 2018, 16:54
Very nice result Roland, but the decals seem to be bit stiff, am I correct?
10 November 2018, 14:49
Thank you Miro and Lukasz! Indeed, a bit stiff and prone to silvering, as I have experienced. Next round I will opt for a offering of the aftermarket!
10 November 2018, 19:55
Looking good nonetheless in this scale... interesting version too
26 November 2018, 10:03
Thank you Lode! That are very appreciated words from an masterly detail-expert like you!
29 November 2018, 09:14
I am a trusty and admiring follower of all of your builds- each a "big one" in its own respect!
1 December 2018, 16:22