Johann ME-262
7 March 2013, 00:01
Looks great Fred, you'd never know it was a vintage kit from looking at your result. 👍
7 March 2013, 00:23
Thanks Mike. Looks alot better now than it did when I first tried it the 70's.
7 March 2013, 00:32
A little sparse in the cockpit..but man those old Johan kits were fun.
21 March 2013, 16:35
Never mind Fred.
The cockpit's too small to get in and criticize anyway😄
And fun is what it's all about, enjoy👍
21 March 2013, 16:40
Album info
An oldie but a goodie. Johann made 5 1/72 aircraft kits that offered building options. I enjoy building kits from my youth like this.