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Roland Sachsenhofer (Roland)

Here are the first of two Hawker Tempests I will do in the next week. I am using Eduards v


22 February 2013, 14:22
Roland Sachsenhofer
One is an old one with a one piece canopy and without any further enhancements as they can be found in more recent Eduard kits. The other is taken from a limited re-edition with all the benefits like etched parts, masks and a bundle of resin parts- this one I will show you here.
I am going to build a machine flown by one of the more prominent Tempest pilots: Roland Beamonts mount is one of six camouflage schemes suggested in the kit.

The cockpit consists solely of resin parts. The show a fineness and an amount of detail that gives an impression of the Tempest- pilots complex working place.
There had been considerable sanding work on the insides of the fuselage halves to be done to get the assembled resin-egg into the fuselage. Besides that, Eduards kit is real short run matter with no location pins and rather poor fit which added further complexity to that work.

After finishing the fuselage I noticed, that there was no place for the wheel bays, which have to be glued on the lower part of the wings. I guess I will have the cut a fitting opening in those parts...
I thought if I could have made a mistake- but I tend to think it´s Eduards fault.

The next steps will see the fuselage and wings being assembled...
22 February 2013, 14:27
Philip De Keyser
The pit looks great Roland, what a pitty from Eduard to make this mistake with the wheelbays, I hope you can handled the problem? looking very prommissing, I stay Tuned😉
Greetz Phil
22 February 2013, 14:38
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thanks Phil,
I don´t know exactly how, but I am confident to get a satisfying solution at last, altough -it will be a compromise. I don´t mind anybody having a good idea! 😮)
22 February 2013, 14:45
Sebastijan Videc
Very nice work! Like the busy look of the cockpit!
22 February 2013, 15:03
Stefan Fraundorfer
Hallo Roland! Das Cockpit sieht ja schon mal sehr gelungen aus. Und das Problem mit den Fahrwerksschächten wirst du schon halbwegs elegant lösen können. Bin auf das Endergebnis gespannt.
22 February 2013, 15:38
Albi Hitz
Hallo Roland.
Ich bin sehr gespannt auf das Resultat.
Das mit den Schächten hat bei mir dazu geführt ein anderes Projekt zu starten. Ich hoffe du kriegst das hin.
22 February 2013, 16:39
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you for your words.
Ja, ich denke, dass mir dieses vorwitzige Cockpit nicht den Spaß verderben wird. Die Plastikteile des Bausatzes sind ohnehin etwas "basic", sodass man sich beständig zum improvisieren eingeladen fühlt.
23 February 2013, 06:16
Christian Lehmann
Looks very promising Roland. I am astonished about your model building frequency. Just finished the P39 triple but started a new project yet. Nevertheless the results are always outstanding.
23 February 2013, 17:15
Hallo Roland , "improvisieren " 🙂 , ich finde es schade , das Eduard den Kit nicht mal Überarbeitet hat , ausser dem Boden für das Cockpit schaut mir das nach einer Wiederauflage der ersten Short Run Kits aus , leider wohl auch mit allen Schwächen.
Aber bei Dir bin ich mir mehr als sicher , es wird wieder ein Schmankerl erster Güte , ich freu mich auf die nächsten Bilder
Gruss Jens
23 February 2013, 18:11
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello- I am just trying to keep production running ;o) Thank you very much to both of you!
Jens, völlig richtig, das sehe ich auch so. Diese Tempest stammt aus den neu aufgelegten Formen, die zweite kommt aus einer uralt-Schachtel... Schau(t) einmal, was ich so "improvisiert" habe: ich hoffe, das waren die ersten Schritte (äh, Schnitte...) zu einer zumindest ansehnlichen Lösung. Ihr seht hier die ausgeschnitten und eingepassten Radkästen. Der sichtbare Rest vom Cockpitboden wird unter zurechtgebogenem Ätzteilblech verschwinden.

What you can see are, as I hope, the first steps to a solution of this challenge. The still visible resin will be covered with metall sheet.
23 February 2013, 18:41
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hi, the trouble making cockpit corners have been covered with etched panels, I guess, that´s what my solution will look like😮)
The triangular forms, which closes the cover towards the bow, have really existed and are thought to be on this position. That is a lucky happenstance, I would say!
2 March 2013, 19:36
Christian Meyerhoff
Hallo Roland! Ich glaube das man sich nach dieser Vorlage ( Cockpit ) keine Gedanken mehr über den Rest machen muß. Das sollte wie immer hervorragend werden. Deine Modelle sind vom Feinsten!!!
2 March 2013, 20:08
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hallo Christian, vielen Dank für Deine Worte, da muss ich mich jetzt echt zusammen nehmen... 😮)
Jetzt darf die Spachtelmasse, die ich an beiden Tempests aufgetragen habe, einmal schön durchtrocknen. Dann geht´s mit Schleifen und Versäubern in die nächste Runde.
3 March 2013, 16:37
Roland Sachsenhofer
you can see here last week´s work. All three Hawkers have been filled and sanded; what looks so peaceful lying side by side was quite a work to do.
Look at those parts for the wheel fairing (outside)! Eduard can´t be accused of hiding the ejector marks on places hard to find... ;o)
9 March 2013, 18:41
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello! Some progress here: the painting has been done, gloss clear has been applied and awaits the decals. Before that I will paint the black and white identification markings on the wings underside, but that want take long.
17 March 2013, 10:06
Roland Sachsenhofer
Beumonts Tempest seems nearly finished, although some precision work is still to be done. The decals of this edition went on quite well- on contrast to those of the older "Clostermann" kit...
This week I should be able to complete this enjoyable build!
29 March 2013, 19:00
Roland Sachsenhofer
... and here are the final pictures of "Bee" Beaumonts Tempest.
Again, thanks for watching!
31 March 2013, 20:07
Christian Meyerhoff
As every Model You posted here, this one makes no difference. Outstanding work, perfect paint job, realitic weathering. Nice, Nice, Nice!
31 March 2013, 22:54
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hey, thank you for your words Christian!
2 April 2013, 07:30

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