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Łukasz Gliński (Woody)

Thai Hawk


25 13 December, 21:39
 15 December, 09:11
Łukasz Gliński
Welcome Nicolas.
I have to admit the kit is of a very smart design, but the leaflet seems to be drawn by someone else not seeing the kit beforehand 🙁
 15 December, 21:32
It's not often you see Łukasz build a modern kit 😛
I can't miss it! (nor can anyone else).
 17 December, 20:51
Ben M
 17 December, 20:52
Łukasz Gliński
Yeah, I think I should sometimes 😄
1  17 December, 21:12
Alec K
Taking a seat. I am surprised about the dash fit.
 21 December, 15:04
Pierre Pierre
 21 December, 23:08
Djordje Nikolic
So far so good!
 22 December, 05:25
Patryk S.
 22 December, 15:11
Moreno Baruffini
 22 December, 15:15
Łukasz Gliński
Great to see you folks 👍 Been waiting for you Patryk 😛
I stumbled upon couple of small glitches here and there (and instruction errors too!), which prevent me from starting to prime and paint the Hawk
 22 December, 19:10
Jennifer Franklin
 23 December, 03:12
Robert Podkoński
A little late, but joining this party!
 23 December, 08:46
Patryk S.
Hey Łukasz! I'm not to often here lately but wouldn't miss it for anything as I want to do the argentinian version. Sorry to see that this kit has such fit issues as I was hoping that it will be something more relaxing than the AZ kit. Thanks for tackling it - your build will be a great reference point for me as was your H-75 build!
1  23 December, 11:12
Łukasz Gliński
Welcome, welcome, there is still some time for me to conclude the party - started priming yesterday, but some corrections are needed.
Patryk, don't get me wrong - it's waaaaay more relaxing than the AZ kit 😄 Unfortunately the instruction seems bit out of sync with actual sprues content.
 23 December, 18:54
I thought this kit would be a piece of cake for the hardcore modeler with experience in the more complicated models 😛

Good job so far, Łukasz!
Happy Holidays!
 23 December, 20:52
Łukasz Gliński
Feliz Navidad tambien!
1  23 December, 21:57
Łukasz Gliński
So, I did the painting today using the Light Ghost Gray on the undersides, according to the instructions.
But on top I diverted from their suggestions - I painted it using Sandy Brown (rough RLM79 equivalent) and a mix of Kaki Francais & Light Polish Khaki.
The P-36 bible (by Dan Hagedorn & Amaru Tincopa) states they were painted two shades of brown (the one in the museum painted in SEA camo moreless).
It looks bit too desertish to my eyes, what is your say mates?
 25 December, 21:46
Alec K
Very nice progress Łukasz, the paint job looks excellent. As to the colors, I have no clue what they should be… but they look good to me 🙂 (I know, GREAT help…)
 27 December, 12:47
Jennifer Franklin
It looks good to me, Lukasz, but I honestly have no idea what it should look like.
 27 December, 14:11
Ben M
I concur; looks good. I like the scalloped edges on the camouflage.
 27 December, 15:18
Michael Kohl
 27 December, 15:55
Łukasz Gliński
Welcome y'all!
I guess nobody has an idea anymore what it looked like, so I sprayed new colours on top.
I might add a filter, but that's moreless what it's going to be.
1  27 December, 16:50
Moreno Baruffini
I'm not an expert at all, but I find the second version more credible. Well done 👍🏼
 27 December, 17:23

Project info

13 images
En cours
1:72 H-75N Hawk (Clear Prop! CP72022)1:72 Hawk H-75 M/N/O Pitot tube (Clear Prop! CPA72058)1:72 H-75 M/N/O Hawk (Clear Prop! CPA72067)
Curtiss Hawk 75 N
TH กองทัพอากาศไทย (Royal Thai Air Force 1939-now)
60 Sqn., 66 Wing
1940 - Nakhon Phanom Airfield

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