MiG-21RProfiPackEduard | N° 8238 | 1:48Projets8 imagesMig-21R1:48Projet: MiG-21R50 imagesMig-21 R1:48Projet: Mig-21 R22 imagesGalerie / Gallery Cuban reconnaissance1:48Projet: Cuban reconnaissance10 imagesCompleted1:48Projet: MiG-21R24 imagesEduard Mig-21R1:48Projet: Mikoyan Mig-21R Castro's Cigar - Eduard 1:481 imagesWIP Mig-21R Metal Finish1:48Started this MiG-21R with opening some panels and some scratchbuilding. Cables, wires etc have still to be attached. I’m...Projet: MiG-21 Recce