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Examen en boîteModelingmadness

Examen en boîtePanzer Modell

Examen en boîteMissing-Lynx
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15 images
M4, F company, 1st Armored Division, Kasserine Pass, February, 1943. Kit bashed Dragon M4A1 lower hull, turret and Lege...
7 images
23rd Army tank Brigade
Valentine Mk II, Infantry tank, 40th RTR, July 1942, El Alamein Line. The tanks arrived at Suez in a desert camouflage ...
Documentation de référence

Into The Vally The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 Green N° 4111
Dick Taylor
2012 Tous les livres » (11 au total) Tous les photoscopes » (5 au total)