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Best Resin | N° | 1:72


Best Resin
Maquette complète
2024 Nouvel outillage
T-72 » Chars (Véhicules)
Contents T72B  Best Resin

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Best Resin
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Nous n'avons connaissance d'aucun avis sur le contenu de la boîte T72B (#) de Best Resin.


Oleg Bogolei
I dont recomend this producer.
1 2 October 2024, 09:05
The scale model industry of China is riddled with plagiarism, fraud, and dramas. BestResin is no exception. Its creator, a teenager from Henan, spent his youth catching softshell turtle; the animal is both a freshwater delicacy and a mascot, the shape of which resembling local cast-iron currency.
Like the famous Chinese snake oil (or in this case, turtle oil) brand that made "softshell essence", much of his modelling business is based on stealing 3D files created by his competitors. And, curiously enough, he chose to show up at the Beijing Expo - on their doorsteps.
Legend goes that the boys went too hard with him, and he no longer sees; so he changed his nickname on the Mandarin Internet to "Braillemaster," not the scale, but the writing system.
1 1 September 2024, 13:56

13 January 2025, 19:03 -

Documentation de référence

T-72 MBT (WWP G069)
T-72 MBT Early Models Ural, 72, M and M1
Photo Manual for Modellers N° G069
Frantisek Koran, Tadeusz Machowski, Josef Spurny
Soviet/Russian Main Battle Tank T-72 (Hobby Japan Vol. 4)
Soviet/Russian Main Battle Tank T-72
HJ Military Photo Album N° Vol. 4
Przemyslaw Skulski

Tous les livres » (13 au total) Tous les photoscopes » (109 au total)