Once you let your wife choose a colour of your new car...
17 8 January 2023, 13:12
haha,There is no way I will let anyone else choose the color of my car.
1 February 2023, 16:06
Pink suits it. No body could take this seriously as a military vehicle, it looks like Noddy should in the driving seat. 😉
1 February 2023, 16:15
My first thought was Pink Panther, Gorby... but in the end it is the same 😉
1 February 2023, 16:31
You're too kind to me, Villiers, thank you! Your description fits your projects too...and many, many other modellers here at Scalemates.
2 February 2023, 08:48
Album info
When I saw Kurogane, my first idea was: the car of Pink Panther... Sorry, I could not resist 😉