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Erik De Smet (opadesmet)

Belgian NH-90 Cayman


2 14 December 2015, 19:48
Günther Debiscop
 14 December 2015, 22:54
Nils Steyaert
following 🙂
 15 December 2015, 08:30
Nils Steyaert
looks very good 🙂
as for paint, i used Humbrol 129 (light gull grey) on my NFH, as this one correstponds with the FS number used on the real thing.
also, i should note that the cooling intake grid above the cockpit needs to be bigger. also, if your gonna make decals, i would advise the "danger" arrow markings for the tail are not included on the NFH scheet in the revell kit.
 12 January 2016, 11:20
I'm in too
 12 January 2016, 17:44
Clifford Keesler
Also watching.
 12 January 2016, 18:44
Nils Steyaert
fantastic results 🙂
 13 March 2016, 10:03
Great job!
 13 March 2016, 11:06
Erik De Smet
thanks, mates
 14 March 2016, 08:44

Album info

Revell kit of NH90 : construction of the 2 Belgian versions

27 kuvien
1:72 NH90 NFH "Navy" (Revell 04651)1:72 SAR Helicopter Crew (PJ Production 721126)

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