Supermarine SpitfireMkIa; 610 squadron RAF Biggin Hill 1940
May 27, 2019major parts cleaned and ready for initial assembly2
May 27, 2019quite a nice details for 1/72 kit3
May 27, 20194
May 27, 20195
May 27, 20196
May 27, 2019spinner glued together (everything will be the same color)7
May 27, 20198
May 27, 2019inside of the fuselage painted9
May 27, 2019cockpit ready for installation to the fuselage10
May 27, 2019one or two places which required small amount of filler and light sand and primer was next11
May 27, 2019Mr. Sufracer 1200 thinned 50/50 with levelling thinner - best result every time in my opinion12
May 27, 201913
May 27, 201914
May 27, 2019small bits and bobs ready for paint and weathering15
May 27, 2019top and bottom surfaces masked and sprayed with MRP colors (top camo masked with MR. Hyde Masking Putty)16
May 27, 2019after removing the masking and the putty the final camo at least17
May 27, 201918
May 27, 201919
May 27, 201920
May 27, 201921
May 27, 2019small parts sprayed and ready for installation22
May 27, 20192 -3 coats of gloss varnish to get the surface nice and shiny and it's time for decals23
May 27, 2019decals were quite thick but easy to work with.24
May 27, 2019two or three application of Microscale soft worked almost everytime, only two or three places needed more persuasion with X20A25
May 27, 201926
May 27, 2019Now the spit will get one or two thin coats of matt varnish and weathering will be next27
May 28, 2019A little bit of weathering on the bottom surfaces28
May 28, 2019and FINISH! 🙂29
May 28, 201930
May 28, 201931
May 28, 201932
May 28, 201933
May 28, 201934
May 28, 201935
May 28, 2019finally together with her little friend36
May 28, 2019Really nice kit. Highly recommended!
15 March 2025, 08:52 -
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