Do 335 Patuxent River
25 February 2025, 13:32 -
Album info
This is WerkNr. 240102 which was shipped after the war on HMS Reaper to the US there it was handed over to the Navy for testing at Patuxent river. It was afterwards stored at NAS Norfolk before sent to Germany in 1975 for restoration at the Dornier plant in Oberpfaffenhofen.
Painting will be
RLM76 Light Blue: Vallejo 71046
RLM82 Light Green: Vallejo 71022 plus second coat 50:50 71022 and 71095 with 10% white
RLM81 Dark Green: Vallejo 71011 thinned and sprayed of the RLM82 coat
Oversprayed German Marking: Vallejo 071.050 Neutral Grey and 71.043 Olive Drab
This matches quite nicely the colour chips in the Official Monogram Painting Guide on Page 37 which themselves were designed after paint samples from the original aircraft!