Academy M998Ver : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1February 13, 2016parts in box 2February 13, 2016frame started 3February 13, 2016engine and drive shafts installed 4February 13, 2016primed assembly to this point 5February 20, 2016frame painting 6February 20, 2016side and bed construction 7February 20, 2016front seats in 8February 20, 2016dry brushed MM rust on exhaust system 9February 20, 2016primed top side 10February 21, 2016bed front wall 11February 21, 2016hood and grille assembled 12March 5, 2016 13March 8, 2016dry brushing again 14March 13, 2016added part of the cab framing 15March 13, 2016sprayed the body in MM British Gulf War Light Stone 16March 16, 2016a little bit of weathering in the bed 17March 16, 2016touchups where some of the base color came off 18March 17, 2016misted white on the hood 19March 18, 2016 20March 20, 2016working on the tool rack 21March 26, 2016stowage 22March 26, 2016interior driver's compartment painted 23March 26, 2016tool rack attached 24April 3, 2016first cargo piece in the bed 25April 10, 2016problem. The windshield top is not even. 26April 10, 2016Taking a step backward to fix it. 27April 11, 2016hood back on and main cabin roof on 28April 28, 2016mesh added with white glue on the hood air inlet 29May 1, 2016two jerry cans added to cargo bed 30May 21, 2016cargo cover 31May 21, 2016bed full 32May 21, 2016cargo cover on 33May 27, 2016wheels on 34May 27, 2016starting fiddly bits 35May 28, 2016more fiddly bits 36May 28, 2016 37May 28, 2016 38May 28, 2016 39May 30, 2016front guard sprayed British Gulf Armor tan 40May 30, 2016mist coats on the tires 41May 30, 2016 42May 31, 2016front view showing Future over the windows 43May 31, 2016rust drybrushed on the exhaust pipe and other areas 44June 2, 2016on the shelf Comentarios25 January 2025, 04:45 - Project infoM998 Transporter44 imágenes1:35TerminadoM998 HMMWV US Army (1784-now)Gulf War»Operation Desert StormDesert Sand Todos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »