Jules Verne - Nautilus Part 3
1 1 October 2013, 16:15
Yeah, absolute cool! Wonderful details and iluminated, it looks quite spooky!
Really well done and a subject that is seldomly seen!😢!
1 October 2013, 16:19
WOW. Jules Vernes is childhood favorite writer. Nautilus is just the kind of i image. very good jobs..
1 October 2013, 16:58
Hi Bernhard...
Excellent build, I love the subtle weathering you've given it. It's not over done👍
I've seen a build example of this model (not yours one similar) before.
The builder had submerged in that resin that replicates water, it impressed me greatly, as does yours. Are the LED's included in the kit or did you add them yourself???
1 October 2013, 17:25
Hi Steve. Thx for nice words. Illuminating is self made. Look please Nautilus part 2. I used 3 different types of LEDs and Designer the etched board (I'm not sure if this the correct translation from geätzte Platine). Each LED - group have own constant current source.
1 October 2013, 17:35
QUOTE: I'm not sure if this the correct translation from geätzte Platine. END QUOTE.
I can speak a little German and Etched Board is perfect.
It really adds dramatic effect to the overall appearance of the model and adds life to it. Well done Bernhard🙂
1 October 2013, 17:46
Outstanding finish. I love the overall look. The cables, wire or plastic?
1 October 2013, 19:49
Roy, thx. The cables are made from darkgrey/metalic thread and "washed" with thinned rustbrown paint.
1 October 2013, 20:00
They add a great level of detail. You did a bang up job overall, well done.
1 October 2013, 23:03
I like Steampunk and I certanly like your Nautilus. Very well done and with the illumination it is perfect, can't wait to see it in real.
3 October 2013, 07:20
WOW, great build, only the light is to bluish for my taste. Well done 🙂
3 October 2013, 08:05
Hallo Bernhard,
zwar nicht mein Genre, aber an Fingerfertigkeit mal wieder ein Modell vom Meister selbst!!!
Ich hoffe dieses vielleicht in Eindhoven nächste Woche sehen zu können.
Ist ja nicht soooo weit von Dir 😉
3 October 2013, 08:49
I'm glad that you like them. Thank you.
By the way: today I looked on the net what color a squid has. Four arms are ready. Just have a look.
3 October 2013, 19:42
Album info
Hi mates: the most unsual modeling object that I have ever built is now complete. I want to use pictures instead of words. Displaybase & squid will follow.